I'm thinking this will be a big step in the right direction. That's why I am leaving it in the hands of experts, I knew the VapeNow team would come up with something.
Since the thread is about availability, some info might help folks understand why we can't just open a valve and produce more.
Most folks know it's just me and Pammy, and that we make the PD and the vapor tubes from basic materials like slabs of wood and stainless tubing etc. You can't buy heat exchangers or vapor tubes or PD bodies off the shelf. And even items like power jacks go through modifications before they are ready to use. Lots of steps, and about 4 hours in each kit. Most of the physical work is done by one guy, me, in a small 8 foot x 12 foot workshop.
So folks always say,"hire somebody". Not so easy. There are reasons you may not see right away. We live in a remote town of about 1,000 people. Those who want work have work, those who won't work ...
Our local High School graduated a class of 20 this year. Most will move away or step into family jobs like fishing, cranberry farming or logging.
No. We won't move. And there are no potential employees here. No problem, I don't want employees.
Minimum wage in Oregon is $8+. And for minimum wage you get minimum effort (in my experience). Forget overtime.
And there are other items. Workers comp, unemployment, extra accounting. That first employee is the expensive one. This ain't the Sims, Life is set on difficult.
I knew a fellow who repaired a garage door for a neighbor. Then another, and another... He had a 'beater' station wagon loaded with tools and springs and parts and tied his doors to the roof, and hung his ladders over the side widows. He was happy and busy. In demand . . . He had a fleet trucks and radio dispatch repairmen, a warehouse and showroom... he had a Vette, and a boat, then a bigger boat, and a big house. Was he still happy? I'll leave you to guess.
I want a simple life. I like simple things. Always have.