Lord of the Sad and Lonely
It arrived today

what are you going to build?
Building my own vape with a chamber that I can put in the freezer with some high heat retention material inside (meaning it also retains cold well). Imagine an OG brick with an ice compartment to cool down vapor.
One thing you should keep in mind, your body will still crave the nicotine and the combustion byproducts afer you vape cannabis alone. It might not be the vape that isn't strong enough, but your body not getting what it is used to.
I then switched to vaping, and once again i felt that vapor wasnt getting me as high, it felt like diet smoke. Once again, after a few days i got used to it and haven't smoked in 4 months.
But i recently did some AVB cookies, all i did was marinate the AVB (around 25g) an hour in the melted butter (bain marie), strained in a cloth, add to the recipe. It tasted pretty good and they were really strong.
I don't see how you can make hash with AVB, but cooking works a treat.
I'm also concerned about how much i can get out of already vaped material, i think the plenty extracts pretty much all the goodies but i hope i can save some herb by using my AVB. Hi saw on this forum that QWISO is a good option but never tried it. Never tried any adibles at all (not made of my own stuff).
BTW i'm just giving a look to your vape, it looks great (but also expensive and kind of fragile).
My Plenty broke
Plastic ripped off the inner ring. Thought it was still usable but noticed I wasn't drawing anything up and when I attempted to a whistling sound came out. I think it might be kind of usable if I apply constant pressure to the missing area, but I'm not sure how weak and wasteful that will be.
A sad day today.
Sorry to hear this.
I believe you can just replace that part.
This cracks me up every time I scroll past it. Well done! I can imagine taking a class at the YMCA and doing this as the project.
It looks like smoking a joint between my vaping sessions helps the high a bit. Another aspect i'd like to bring your attention on is that my partner and my housemate (both long time smokers) got very baked after only one mini session (couple of draws each) with the plenty. I had their same session and got baked as well but just not the way the seemed and told. Both of them are full time cigs and joint smokers, not vapers.
Considering i'm a long time (former) smoker, do you think i should have purchased another vape? I'm also thinking of a Mighty for portable use, but i'd first need get more out of my plenty.