The Brush as a kick stand has worked okay for me I found
As for the herb slipping out of place, if I have a smaller sesh in the chamber just use the liquid pad and all is well
I havent seen this issue with a full load, although often have smaller loads with the liquid pad also
I also use the reducer and yes you need to fill it to the top to prevent herb moving around
You will also often knock some into the ring around chamber when opening to empty, this does not always mean you had that issue whilst the lid was on and you were vaping
How do you not have the same issue when using the Plenty as we use it on its side and at angles in our hand anyway?
As for packing it and it falling over?.... why dont you pack the chamber before putting it on the heating unit?
Problem solved
I find it really depends on the herb used, sometimes the reducer produces better flavour and clouds, sometimes the full size works better even with small amount and liquid pad
Mostly though the full size gives overall best flavour/clouds due to surface area I think
As for the temp/handle and on/off switch, I also find this very annoying, probably the biggest issue I have atm
If you have a newer model as I do then we are stuck with the auto off handle and we have to keep an eye on it and remember to hit the switch
If we remember to do so it does not affect the sesh and we do not have to stop while it reheats, just continue to draw as it reheats and gets cooler, I guess it is like getting the full range of flavours while also getting everything out of herb at highest temp all in one Lol
Still I would prefer the constant temp/heat
At the very end of sesh you may need to wait till it is full temp
With this switch it should always be set on 7 as we have the heat up and down between 180 and 230
If have the older one where can hold the handle to temp people use 6 and then 7 later to get those full range of flavours and extraction
The reason people say to use a rubber band or other ways to hold switch on is because the first release of the Plenty had a switch that was only on while you held the handle
So you could bypass the kill switch
I wish they left that system as I believe it gave more user control and exact/permanent temp
Cleaning is easy as you say although if you are a heavy user iso soaking the SS coil/air path is needed more regularly than you think
It will work for ages no worries, but if you do soak you will see how brown the iso goes and how dirty the stem was......the vape quality and production is much higher with a clean unit I assume it has less oils to stick to or something in the air path
Get to using the Plenty with a bubbler too, you will love and perc is nice
This site/forum is so good to learn and share knowledge and experience
Ppl are generally quite happy to share
I have read for a long time and only joined recently
Learnt a lot and get even more from here since joining
Happy vaping ppls....