I just joined the club.
@ChooChooCharlie arranged that a Plenty has come my way for study, evaluation, and potential placement with just the right patient.
Right off the bat I will say that this vape Has a particular audience.
The reducer was not for me... opening and closing the dose capsule is painful, especially around the thumb. I used also a screen "lid" to fit over the reducer chamber, so it could be used with no capsule.
The sessions were short for the work. Even if one had dozens of capsules there would still be "KP" duty after vaping the dozen capsules with impunity.
So... I use the Plenty, Plenty full.
No concentrate pads... jam packed.
I pour ground meds (about a gram) into bottom of chamber and tap lightly until it is a mound, and I close it up
In spite of there being no room for movement of the meds, I still notice that after a number of hits in a trumpet position.. If I turn the "trumpet" to another angle or upside down (still parallel to the ground) I get a new group of denser hits... perhaps from heat rising to previously non-directionally heated materials. I flip the trumpet around during the sessions.
Try it.. halfway through flip your unit upside down for some really dense hits.
(If this is old stuff to you guys, and it has been discussed excuse my ignorance... I only have read a short bit here, but will read more)
When I empty the load, I can see it still packed with no room for movement, with the load a dark brown... well spent.
The heat situation reminds me of the Supreme!
... Heat till temp is reached... then set down the torch and enjoy as the temperature slowly drops.
I am forced to compare this to the LSV, simply because it is plugged in, gets hot and is hand held.
It does have that safety feature however. It is used in the off position much of the time.
Initially I had some "new vape whines" from a patient's standpoint.
Awkward sessions... for my hourly quickies... but good for a wipeout session.
I have had many of these.
Holding the trigger and handle hurt my wrists, and having to turn it this way and that was hard on my thumbs. ( I like whips)
In spite of knowledge that the coil was hot, I still managed to get myself a few times, on my wrists, fingers, and even face (spasticity).
I have found a great stand for the Plenty.
Here you see the SSV with the original "Old Style " aromatop(still available):
When turned upside down, the aromatop (I had a spare) was the perfect solidity and weight to not be moved easily. It also was the right shape and spacing to cradle the Pleanty.
Easy to reach for…
and sitting pretty next to his Older Relative:
A VTV episode of Plenty Medicated.
A first in this video is the use of hand held camera in the center section.
Patty held camera and video was made. The beginning is standard Webcam, and the end is my usual tripod work.
I am having a good time studying this bad boy~
@ChooChooCharlie pointed out to me that I did not need a stand, and that there are 3 rubber feet for the vape to lay on... Live and Learn!
I now am diffusing aromas with that top again!
That was the best Plenty Performance video uploaded that i have seen since i started to look at this vape. I just bought it about 2 months ago, and i'm completly in love with it.
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