Active Member
I would say vapor is comparable to the Crafty but the Plenty is just better. The flavor and vapor quality is top tier. Flavor from the Plenty for me is hard to beat. I love them both but the Plenty is a step ahead of the portables. If I could pick one, I'd go Plenty if portability is not an issue.
Yeah, I'm very familiar with the Plenty. And it's funny you say that because I decided to sell my fairly new Herbalizer on craigslist, I got $620 for it yesterday. And I'm planing on using the funds for a new Crafty and a used Plenty.
I'm looking through ebay for it because I don't see anyone selling it on here. I'm trying to be as careful as possible about it though, asking the seller for extra pics with certain angles of the main unit. I'm going to buy a new wear and tear kit for it so the other parts aren't important to me. I'm also thinking about waiting for Black Friday to get the Crafty. I wonder if any of the sites put up good deals.
Any way I'm planning on living like this soon. Wish me luck!
I think S&B is gonna see an increase of Plenty sales just in virtue of increasing awarenesses among the S&B customer base. I mean, there was and is a learning curve where it took people time to start using the Volcano. I think people may be just a little slower to catch on to the Plenty.
You made a lot of great points and I agree with you. I also think the reception for the Plenty would have been better if they came out with the portables back then and the Plenty was just coming out now. Because when they came out with the Volcano it set the standard for desktops so naturally everyone was waiting for them to do the same with portables, but instead we got the Plenty. What made it worse was that they were marketing it as a portable.
Nonetheless Storz & Bickel is the company that makes the best quality vaporizers in my opinion. Am I a fan boy for thinking that Storz & Bickel is clearly the best option? (unless you don't have the funds or you're not big on the idea of plastic oppose to glass, water-filtering, mods and such)
Up until the portables where released the first two where herb hogs, something some members here feel is unacceptable, or a deal breaker.
I can see how the Plenty could be considered an "herb hog" but with the use of its liquid pad and having the Crafty/Mighty to compliment it I feel it would provide an excellent range of usage. I know even with the liquid pad and just covering the surface area it uses a good amount of herbs, but sometimes I have to treat myself. Trust me, the Plenty makes those herbs worth the treat.

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