This Space For Rent
Hey guys, I got myself a Plenty a week ago, found a used one for a price I couldn't refuse. It's a monster hitter for sure, oh boy. Compared to my Arizer (Air & ArGo) and Dynavap vapes, it's massive doses! There's gotta be a full gram in that chamber. I've used the pad to do half chambers, takes a little longer to heat up but it works well.
I may not use it daily because it truly is a stash killer (and , but if I need a large dose of CBD or want to get annihilated quickly, I know which vape to fire up. I've noticed I don't feel like vaping for a couple of hours after clearing a bowl in the Plenty, it's that strong.
It's my first S&B vape, I have to admit the build quality is superb. The materials are really good and it's neat they sell parts for relatively cheap.
It only uses a ton if you let it. I put about 1/5th of a gram in it and put the thick wire pad on top. Works great.