Hi Everyone,
We will try to answer as many questions which were not already answered by others, if we missed any, please ask again. Thanks to all who took the time to leave positive feedback for us, it is greatly appreciated.
No I get why people would buy it from PV, I just think its kind of silly of them to release an almost identical version of a product thats already been out for a while and established within the community. Especially when it seems theyve been working so hard on the FC bubbler everyones been waiting for and this just came out of no where it seems.
Well we first announced the f-Bomb at least 9 months before the PWT and both are copies of some sort of VapeXhales Hydratube which is a patented design. We received permission from VapeXhale in July 2012 to use their patented system on our f-Bomb. For a great review of the f-Bomb see:
....Or someone who owns the f-bomb post a pic of the f on top of the solo in the meantime?
The f-Bomb product page already has a picture of the f-Bomb on and beside the Solo
The next production run will introduce smaller f-Bomb logos as requested.
Hey Planetvape! Where's all the sublimator accessories yo ?
We have the SubBuddy reclaimers ready to go in both 14mm and 18mm 90 degree as well as Sublimator Hats, t-shirts etc. The SubBuddy when we got them last weekend we felt the jar was too small where the inside bottom was almost touching the bottom of the drip tip when the jar was installed on the SubBuddy. We moved quickly and made new jars immediately and they are now perfect, just need to get some nice photos of the final products as well as create a Web product page for them.
Somehow PV came through and my megashot arrived after two months. These guys never let me down they were even going to ship another for free since my last one seemed lost, but out of nowhere the post man dropped it off.
USPS works in odd ways sometimes, after we badger them enough, someone gives in and eventually locates it. Sorry again for the unusual long delivery time and thanks for working with us and for your patience.
Got PV's f-bomb yesterday and i have to say this thing is a bomb, for real. This is exactly what I was looking for and It's even better than I've expected it to be.
more and more impressed by this little thing... i start to enjoy it more than my 45cm perc bong! same for a friend who's visiting me for three days atm. AND he's a bong smoker (I'm not) surprised me a lot, when i've asked him earlier if he likes to vape through the bong or the f-bomb, again. he chose the f-bomb of course. wize choice, i felt absolutely the same

btw. now he's asleep
Thanks for the great review mrweed and for sharing your technique for getting out all the water.
Trying to get the F-Bomb and a PVHES in stock at the same time is proving quite difficult! I had one, then the other, and now neither.....
Hi Lizard King, very sorry about that, the demand for the f-Bomb exceeded our expectations although we will have some at a great discount in our Demo and Deals category on our website. Great deals on Demo units, blemished or other cosmetically imperfect products. They are sold as is, no returns.
Happy Labor Day,