Grim Chiclets
Well-Known Member
Haha, alas I'm not able to at the moment... hopefully soon 

A while back, I reported that my PNP AC adapter was acting strangely causing intermittent failures mid sessions or if I wiggled the connector. I thought I could even correlate it to where the connector would be a bit rough, but could not see anything in the AC Adapter 3.5mm barrel nor PNP post. Only the Proto1 Car Charger didn’t have the same roughness nor issue. Many people had some great suggestions (THANK YOU!), but I suspected the 3.5mm barrel connector and 24AWG wire were the real issues here. Simply, 24AWG wire is not rated for 3A, let alone 2A. Instead of ordering another PNP charger, I got a Cincon supply. The primary reason was the Cincon has 16AWG wire, and is rated for 4A. So for about the same price as the PNP adapter I got an AC adapter with a better electrical spec. After receiving it, I believe the 16 AWG and bulkier 3.5mm barrel connector improve the interface to the PNP. It is sturdier and doesn’t fail. Only issue is the cord length is a bit shorter than the PNP.
Enjoy life!
Thanks for the honest reply. I've been away for seriously months and months. Is their anything else coming in the future? What else would you recommend? I was originally curious with the cera, it had issues... inhalater xp, it had issues, than i just decided to wait. I dont mind spending the money, as long as its a quality product. Any help and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.It's possible that it could be the best portable vaporizer, but NOT with these plastic PonGs. They made a serious mistake when they decided to go with the plastic without even thinking of offering a glass upgrade..glad they are trying to make things right though.
It looks like you have a crack in the front of your unit? Am I correct?
There's a pic of the crack. What do you guys think. Safe to use? Is there something I can do to fix it?
Modnote: Edited to fix image link.
New PNP (and FC) user needs some help. I have no problems with herb and the bullets, but have not had much success with the FMJ. I have used both oil and moon rock but don't get any vapor. I heated to 4 with and without the water tool. Am I doing something wrong?
Many people have had issues with the FMJ, not enough air flow. The solution many people have come up with when using oils and concentrates is to use the normal herb bullet instead. The oil can be soaked into an organic cotton ball, pop into normal herb bullet, and vape at high temp 4-5. The moon rock could be sandwiched between layers of herb in a bullet and vaped in the same way.
Search for the "kief burgers" recipe for more info. Hope this helps!
Concerning those cracks... in my humble opinion its because you're shoving something into the hole that has a tapered end. In a sense it will slightly pull apart on all sides. As the unit heats up the glass attachment(that was in the previous pic) also heats which will fatigue the plastic...causing the crack.
I'm only 70 pages or so through this thread (when it was still mostly gushing about performance and VaporBlunt customer service). Wish I had made it to the end before placing my Massdrop order. Buyer's remorse is setting in big-time. VaporBlunt, don't let us down!
Yes that's what it does when it's about to shut off after 8 minHello fellow pinnacle pro users.
just have a question....can anyone confirm what the ascending lights on the unit mean? They seem to come on after i've been vaping for a few good minutes. Are the ascending lights just indicating that the machine is shutting off after 8 minutes? Or is it some other problem I should be aware about.
Other than that i have not had any other far.