I think I found the perfect use for the TRVB GonG! It was discovered by accident and without any modifications (yet). Despite what I post and have posted, the TRVB Gong is an excellent addition to the BarnBoy stable! But has anyone tried it with the FMJ? What you will find is that the o-ring will not have any contact with the PNP front wall, causing leaks. Previously I have asked if anyone has
tried using E-Juice to alter flavor/smell of herb. Well I happened to spot a place called "Vapor & Stogies", pulled in and got two flavors just to try and experiment.
In these experiments, I had my first bit of luck using the FMJ with the flavored stuff and some reclaim I got from my Steinel and whip long ago. No major clouds with the TRVB GonG, but interesting flavors with something that was rather bland before. This is where I discovered the issue with the TRVB GonG and the FMJ. The
Epic Adjust-A-Bowl GonG w/ BB cork-stopper compensated for the FMJ and was the first real WOW factor I have had with the FMJ. I think this is because the Epic GonG screen touches the FMJ and keeps a small air gap space between the GonG and bullet, allowing the FMJ to finally come alive! I now need to find some waxes/oils to test further…
So I decided to try something that has been mentioned by many in the forum; fill a bullet with cotton and re-vape/QWISO/QWET/etc. I don’t think the PNP is really the killer tool for this, but dropping 4-5 drops into the bullet produced some very flavor filled clouds that looked as heavy as any of the ones my “I’m stopping smoking with high nicotine flavored” vapor friends produce. So if you are trying to stop smoking with these flavored oils, you can use a PNP with cotton filled bullet to get your kicks too. This is where I really liked the TRVB GonG. No bits to clog the small opening. And I keep one GonG as the “flavored” one…
I took it one step further in a quest to answer my question, what about herb? My first try was with ABV; nothing much to lose. It gave a “sweet” taste sensation in my mouth the entire session, but the flavor would dissipate after 3-4 draws depending upon how many drops were added. I recommend 2-3 drops and to help get the flavoring to sink in, suck the bullet from the screen end. More drops than this will not increase flavor length, only the possible mess you might have to clean. Is an interesting experience to say the least. Next step was to try it on real herb. Not so sure I like Strawberry flavored herb, but Menthol gives a nice relief to ones allergies or cold congestion.
So now combine all of the above, the story from my previous post and my wife wanting to waste a day looking for a new car (the world’s most painful experience you can ever imagine!). So I flavored a batch of bullets for the day and was able to vape while test driving some very fine automobiles. Sales dudes didn’t flinch. One smoker sales guy asked about all it, and I just told him I was “trying to stop smoking”. Wife said she couldn’t smell herb at all, only the flavor I used (she liked Strawberry and now wants me to get Grape). But she can’t smell my farts. If really worried about smell, re-apply a drop or two mid-session. The point here is I survived the day and am eternally grateful for the
PNP Proto1 Car Charger too. The ABV of this process is nearly coal black. I tossed the stuff but will try to remember to take some photos if I do it again.
One hidden point in the photo below, the WT is still relatively clean. Sure it has green bits from the TRVB GonG (I didn’t get to clean it after all), but overall the GonG usage in two weeks hasn’t produced nearly the crud on my WT that was
shown here in less than 1 week. PonG spooge???
Sativape – you are absolutely correct that
the o-ring is going to be critical for the @
Engineering GonG! The ring really helps get the absolute most out of the PNP and keeps it clean. Since the two GonGs have been in the barn, the consistency of the PNP has been spot on. There were times I was getting so much leakage around the PonG that I thought the PNP had turned off. Suspect I over packed the bullets causing excess restriction => leaks => crap performance. Also love the work you have done to improve your toolz…
The PNP kicks some serious butt folks. And I enjoy the DIY…