@felon167inc I'm not sure how the ring of pigment and glue will fair at the hot end. It's going to warm up no matter what.
The vapor path is isolated from it with a Ti top hat in the hot end and SS tube to the end of the MP, give or take a mm.
I'm going to do a few empty bowl cycles in my Mini and see how it fairs.
There may be a settling period like the all acrylic stem I did.
I seem to think
@Padriano said he noticed a bit of a smell but it didn't last long. One or two cycles. A burn in if you like.
I fully appreciate everyone's concerns for material safety, we are all different and I'm willing to work with any individual to accomplish their requirements.
I understand what you mean about the source of materials and I'm afraid it's a lot more widespread and across every industry. Profit before people.
Woods have to be taken into condsideration as well, this site has all the info needed.
Most of the problems are with dust.
I made a long Cocobolo which was bought as a gift for a friend.
The person who bought it had an allergy to Cocobolo so I said for there own use I wouldn't recommend it.
It's a known sensitizer and once it's got you there is no going back.
I decided isolated path was the way to go after cleaning a Padauk stem with no condenser.
The reclaim was bright red, I'm assuming this was leeched from the wood.
It did me no harm, no tight chest or coughing but I'm not willing to take the risk with some one else's health.