@Hippie I may have looked at Lichtenberg videos once or twice in the past, here's another for you. I have glow in the dark powder.

Cube would be nice.
Here's where I took mine today.
I like the hit and miss in the turquoise on this bass.
@Summer I put together a stem to explain how I'd go about doing carb'd stems and it'll show where my concerns lie.
The wood/acrylic mid section left out, the hot end and the mouthpiece are screwed onto the 5mm condenser, the mid section is drilled at 5.1mm.
I couldn't drill thru the mid material and hit the SS dead centre with my drill. This means the drill would run down the side of the SS tube. Resulting in large amounts of cussing, I'm a good little swearer.
If I had a milling machine or more accurate drill press I would drill them with a slot drill.
However I did a couple of stems that have the stem and condesner carb'd.
Which is what made me re-think the design for the segmented.
This condenser has the carb filed in rather than drilled.
In use the carb gets circled with reclaim, once the mid is in place you can't get to the internal carb.
I would have to recommend frequent cleaning with a lightly Iso dampened q tip/paper wad as it will end up getting pushed out of the carb if neglected. I think a diligent user would be fine.
The stem went together nicely using a mid section that you will all recognise.