Phattpiggies Wood Shed


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Accessory Maker
@Prolusio Glad you're enjoying them. I love that Lignum it finished so well.
Thank you for the kind words and pictures.

I was hoping to show a couple of nice blanks but they didn't arrive today, maybe tomorrow.

I need everyone to get on board with how the next round of orders will be going so it's in BOLD as it's important.:)


Today I will clear my inbox, this will empty it completely, my side.
You good people will still see any conversations we've had.

To get on the list all you have to do is reply to the original message, this opens the whole thing in my inbox and shows the date you originally contacted me.

Don't start a new conversation, the date we first spoke will relate to your original message.

For instance if we spoke in December you're near the head of the queue, if we spoke today then you're at the back.

If you're a return customer I'm afraid our first contact will be after you received your order.

I am going to Spain on Thursday so won't be about for a week or so which gives you all a bit of time to pull your thoughts together and make some sort of decision as to what you'd like.

If you've changed your mind, have something different, special or simply can't decide that's fine, I'm sure people will vouch for my patience and willingness to work with you.

The more info, pictures lifted from the net, hand drawn or anything will help us get on the same track.

You will all know when I get back and once I've worked everything out my side woods will be ordered and we'll make a start.

I'm not giving any fixed time scale as I just don't know how all this is going to pan out, my 'day job' still has a few loose ends to tie up but once they are done turning will be my priority.

This should all go smoothly and I'll be getting an extra pair of hands once it's all in full swing.
Not everything is VC related and some ideas need some development work which adds to the time frame so the help is going to be well appreciated.

All I ask is that folk show a bit of patience and hang in there while I work thru an extensive list.

EDIT, we're off.:)
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hotboxing the cockpit
Thanks! Direct all praise to the piggie himself!

I've grown to love it even more than I did at first... Maybe I just never really messed with my vapcap enough prior, or maybe it's bc I got the triple jet lighter but it's been all I've used the past 2 days bc of how versatile it is. I like not being tied down to cords or having to mess with batteries, and I can get such a consistent hit and perfect abv every time.

Also! It still has enough "square" not to roll around :)


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@muunch glad your enjoying it.
I've used a triple from the start. I like the way I can take my time or hit and run with it.
I was hoping to have a some new blanks arrive the beginning of the week and it's been no show.
So I've got nothing really to say other than thank you to the people who've been in touch and there's still time for people who've not been about to get back to me.
There's one piece in particular which I may do even if it's not asked for again.
Got some good stuff to come when I get back.
T break for me starts now.


taste buds
As much as I love my OmniVap, my Phatt Piggie Blackwood Twist with spinning mouthpiece instantly became my favorite VapCap. The twist is not only beautiful, but also tactile, functional, and silky smooth. Combined with the spinning mouthpiece it makes it easier to heat the tip evenly.



Well-Known Member
My VAS and AAS is solidly centered around the Vapcap.

I'm waiting for a few stunningly beautiful stems created by @phattpiggie, such as a:

Blackwood Telescopic Twist

Paduak Harry Potter Twist (second from the bottom)

Blackwood tipped Segmented Honey Acrylic

62mm Tulipwood Twist with integrated mp.

@phattpiggie....we patiently anxiously await your return so that we might be dazzled once again by your brilliant designs and stunning craftsmanship.

Ed's TnT

A Vapcap for every reason. A Vapcap for every season.......:lol: :wave: :love: :clap: :nod: :o :ko: :brow: :cool: ;) :luv: :lol: :)

Geez my lady, @phattpiggie has done ya some cuties for sure, so jealous of all the treasures you have there! Phats does great work that's no doubt, I'm not you all know the time and tedious effort that goes into the twists, I've seen what he does and does make it look easy but as I've done what I do so many times I make it look easy what he does is not at all easy nor is it quick. My mans got skillz that no doubt and you got some amazing pieces, great score!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Ed's TnT many thanks, last time @Ruta was over I said to him how sometimes I set a twist out and sigh 'Here we go'.
That's usually a really short sigh as once I get those first cuts in and set to it's one of those 'zone out' jobs.

Musics on, I'm focused but not and before I know it I'm looking at a new twist.

A twisted square is a different thing, they require a bit more concentration.

I think the reward at the end more than makes up for the effort put in, plus it's nice to just zone out every now and again.

These arrived while I was away, @Winegums funny you mentioned cinnamon. Was hoping to have roughed it out today to see how strong the odor is.
I turned a Camphor blank and I loved the smell, still got a pot of shavings.

2nd one down is Red Mallee and the tiny one in the middle is Black and Cobaltium Lava M3 Mokume type material.
I did the Buckeye and put a bit of wax on to see what it was going to look like. Wow.

List thing has gone well, a big thank you to all the people who've got back to me.
Once I get a bit more time I'll be in touch with you all and I'll set too. I've got plenty ahead of me so as ever all I ask is a bit of patience.

I'm looking forward to this, got some good things coming.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Cinnamon will be really cool, It might only be the bark that smells though? Claro Walnut heart smells significantly different than the sap wood. I could only describe it as cloves and cinnamon with other spicy smells.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thank you @Squiby, I'll be giving some one in WI a bit of a prod to see where the parts are I need to get the Telescopic sorted.

@Winegums it doesn't look anything special I bought it more for the odor. Very faint at the moment.
I'm a root beer head, and all those types of flavors and aromas.
American candy as a UK kid in the 70's was a real eye opener.

Turning this licorice root was good fun and tasty, a flavored vaporizer stem.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
All good thanks @needalift, nice to see a bit of sunshine and feel a bit of heat.

Spent yesterday doing a bit more prep. work, roughed out some cherry, apple and walnut. Will be interesting to see how the fruit woods behave most of the other bits have split well before this stage.

Cinnamon was odorless which is a shame but it looks nice enough, also I think a couple of bits of laburnum which will get turned off centre so I can keep the new and old wood.

Got this Cobaltium,Lava and Blackwood done today, odd stuff to turn. Not entirely happy with it but I like the end result, there is no wood finish on it yet.


Gone thru all the PM's and compiled a list of 'who wants what', some good stuff coming.

I'll get back to you all individually nearer the time, many thanks to you all.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
A bit of video footage to show the Mokume stem off a bit better.

Also had the first one of these fail so I made another, burr wood won't be getting used again for these stem/vong combo's it's a bit too fragile. This is before the condenser was fitted in the MP end.


Not got much else done as it's the kids Easter break and then I've got another trip down south, just when you think it's all 'golden' something comes along and screws it all up.

Hoping this is the last time I have to go away to work, the money is handy but I'm losing a couple of days in travel which is the killer.
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