Well-Known Member

I have been testing this little beauty out for the last few weeks, it works well, feels good in both the wood and the design, i'm thinking 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' style when i'm using it

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That explains why you turned up in a 'little black dress' the other nite.'Breakfast at Tiffanys' style
reminds me of holding a spliff...
@StormyPinkness it wouldn't be so bad if the P.O. tracking actually showed it's whereabouts. On it's way to L.A. for ever now.
@Copacetic asked in the VC thread why the omni sleeves I had done didn't make it.
As I make something I then need to make some form of tooling so that it's an easy set up rather than start at it and see what happens. I got the first one done using wood to chuck it but little wooden spigots never go back in the chuck or revolving center the same way twice so they constantly need re-cutting so they run true.
The left hand chuck is a collet chuck, with a spigot I made in place, I can use it over and over without any issues. The revolving center, rhs, has another spigot I made and it's pretty good now.
These bits of steel have been filed into shape, lathe spinning, to get them the size I need, I didn't undercut the shoulders which lead to the yew and two tone splitting. A tiny taper or radius on the steel is enough to split a piece of wood at these thickness's. A metal lathe is next on my list of stuff to get.
The thuya is a burrwood and as such I turn it with crossed fingers and toes. It split along the grain. One of those things.
And whilst we're on those lines, I've had a bit of time to try something else out which also didn't make it, this time down to my not thinking it thru properly. I will do a couple more of these before I get it right but that's all part of learning new stuff.
It took 2 days to get from the uk, to los angeles in the us, to a city 30 minutes from me which seems crazy fast to me. The next day it came to my city and it's now been 3 days since it got here. I wish I could just go flippin' get it. It's not like the shipping is slow, I was expecting around 10 days, it's just knowing it's sitting somewhere I drive by on my way to and from work for 3 days sucks. Unfortunately the tracking page on still has an "updated" delivery date of yesterday and the status doesn't say out for delivery. I think someone at my local post office is digging my vapcap stem.@StormyPinkness it wouldn't be so bad if the P.O. tracking actually showed it's whereabouts. On it's way to L.A. for ever now.
I think someone at my local post office is digging my vapcap stem.
@StormyPinkness it wouldn't be so bad if the P.O. tracking actually showed it's whereabouts. On it's way to L.A. for ever now.
@Copacetic asked in the VC thread why the omni sleeves I had done didn't make it.
As I make something I then need to make some form of tooling so that it's an easy set up rather than start at it and see what happens. I got the first one done using wood to chuck it but little wooden spigots never go back in the chuck or revolving center the same way twice so they constantly need re-cutting so they run true.
The left hand chuck is a collet chuck, with a spigot I made in place, I can use it over and over without any issues. The revolving center, rhs, has another spigot I made and it's pretty good now.
These bits of steel have been filed into shape, lathe spinning, to get them the size I need, I didn't undercut the shoulders which lead to the yew and two tone splitting. A tiny taper or radius on the steel is enough to split a piece of wood at these thickness's. A metal lathe is next on my list of stuff to get.
The thuya is a burrwood and as such I turn it with crossed fingers and toes. It split along the grain. One of those things.
And whilst we're on those lines, I've had a bit of time to try something else out which also didn't make it, this time down to my not thinking it thru properly. I will do a couple more of these before I get it right but that's all part of learning new stuff.
It finally came, it's so damn pretty. So damn pretty.
Pics from my 4 year old camera phone with a faulty light sensor don't do it justice. I came in wanting a longer round stem with a line-y grain to it but ended up falling in love with this instead. @phattpiggie did an amazing job on this, thank you sir.
It finally came, it's so damn pretty. So damn pretty.
Pics from my 4 year old camera phone with a faulty light sensor don't do it justice. I came in wanting a longer round stem with a line-y grain to it but ended up falling in love with this instead. @phattpiggie did an amazing job on this, thank you sir.