I think many of us thought that Inverted was being overly picky about dialing in his design, and thought his earlier designs were "good enough". But I think his incremental changes have really paid off, and show a real expertise that you can only get from being a connoisseur.
That means a lot! Thank you for that most kind comment! Speaking of incremental changes, here’s a look back at some of the various phases of change.
V1 (actually don’t have any pictures of this one anymore sadly due to losing some data, but this is the one that was truly full glass path; completely hand made. This one had the indented “turbine screen”
v1.2 (combination coil arm + air inlet)
1.4 - (air inlets increased from one to four)
1.5 - ( CNC inlets, tapered design to eliminate joint sticking)
1.7 - (Current - 7 hole CNC air inlet; trimmed joint, coil arm removed)
I was talking safety of not breaking it. Or see hot rubies all over the floor...
Which can't happen with flowerpot, supreme, mpl...
Only the dc elev8r have the same issues...
I Hoped these one would have fixed it...
Maybe the next one...
I can respect where you're coming from. At the end of the day, glass vapes will just never win the durability award.
This is ultimately the reason why I abandoned doing anything more complicated with this concept. So that in the event one does happen to break it, it's not $300+ to replace it.
I admit this wasn't much of a consideration when the project had first started, but now that ball vapes are quite the commodity, I'm sure I made the right decision. I honestly think I did about all I could with this ball concept performance wise. I did consider coil covers and shrouds but they don’t really change the potential inherent fragility of glass, and even with the coil cover it’s still too hot to grab. I actually feel like that stuff can give a false sense of security, whereas this is a little more obvious and reaffirming that it’s not a toy and hot to touch. And realistically there are a bunch of other ball vapes that address this in some way or the other now. It’s always a give or take, yin or yang. The beauty of the external coil is knowing that it’s out of the vapor path.
And yeah, depending on how this does, maybe we will see a follow up desktop vaporizer to this one. It’s something I have considered regarding new projects, as I’m calling this one complete!
(Not the exact Lahey I was looking for, but I think it fits anyway.

I think
@arb is in the eye of the Shitocaine....

@MikeRotchHertz @seki