Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
@invertedisdead Speaking of growing the brand, did you ever think of making a TM2 stem? Its sold loads, and users are always picking up new stems. I think making high quality accessories for really popular vapes would raise peoples awareness of P3's existence.
Agree with this. Madheaters built their brand off accessories and now look at them. Shout out to PP for being the guy he is and handing them the framework for a smash hit with zero ego involved.

I think there was talk of zirconia Arizer stems so sort of along your line of thinking? I am still well and truly keen for this to become a reality as someone that absolutely loves their Solo 3


Microbe minion
I think despite differing tastes and perspective we can all at least agree that these butane pens carry less operational risks and are more convenient for a quick hit than a ball vape.
For perspectives sake, I completely disagree with this. I love butane, manual devices, but I certainly don't choose them when I want convenience. I chose one of my phase 3 heads.

When hot, all you do when you decide you need a hit, is load the bowl, pop it on a bong, and bring the heater on the top of it. It's exactly as convenient as smoking a bong bowl, without the desire to corner the bowl by heating one side at a time. I feel like this is the only time that vaping is actually more convenient than smoking, I'm not sure the convenience of a joint can be surpassed though.

Ryan did threaten us with TM stems in the past but they've never come to fruition unfortunately. Iirc they would run a little more expensive than the artisanal glass offerings and that put people off, I'm sure Ryan will correct me on this though.


Well-Known Member
For perspectives sake, I completely disagree with this. I love butane, manual devices, but I certainly don't choose them when I want convenience. I chose one of my phase 3 heads.

When hot, all you do when you decide you need a hit, is load the bowl, pop it on a bong, and bring the heater on the top of it. It's exactly as convenient as smoking a bong bowl, without the desire to corner the bowl by heating one side at a time. I feel like this is the only time that vaping is actually more convenient than smoking, I'm not sure the convenience of a joint can be surpassed though.

Ryan did threaten us with TM stems in the past but they've never come to fruition unfortunately. Iirc they would run a little more expensive than the artisanal glass offerings and that put people off, I'm sure Ryan will correct me on this though.
Hey man thanks for the additional perspective, I’ll admit I could’ve said that in a less absolute way so thanks for bringing that up and giving me a chance to walk that back a bit.

So my issue is that I can’t really have it all out, if that makes sense. Each session I would have to get the PID and coil out, vape and glass out, set it up, wait for it to get to temp, rip it, then sit and twiddle my thumbs until it was cool enough to store safely. From this point of view, it’s so much faster and more convenient for me to load a butane vape, torch/IH it and then get on with my day. Most people in similar situations seem to either do this or own something like a TM2 or similar. Hope that makes a bit more sense to you than an absolute statement!

I can see how it would be convenient if you had it permanently set up, the actual workflow of these devices is undeniably simple. The ZX also appears to be very fast at getting to temp and recovering it which I imagine helps further. It’s just everything else around it and then the burn risks on top that stops it being viable for me.


Serial vapist
So my issue is that I can’t really have it all out, if that makes sense. Each session I would have to get the PID and coil out, vape and glass out, set it up, wait for it to get to temp, rip it, then sit and twiddle my thumbs until it was cool enough to store safely.
Lol, this is how I have to use mine most of the time. It's always a special treat when the ZX comes out for a couple rips! Definitely a bit of a hassle though


Well-Known Member
Depending a person's living situation. Mine is more relaxed since it's just me and my wife. All the kids are older 20's & 30's have their own homes now and are doing their own thing . So we have two extra rooms in the house now. I made one of them a designated whisky tasting/mj vaping room. I have a small collection of whisky that I enjoy on occasion., but mostly vaping though. Have the ZX at it is own little desk and chair. Next to that is a cabinet that looks kind of like a bar cart, which is where I keep all of the small manual vapes, like vapman, TM2, TA3, few different dynvaps, dc elevator, puffco peak pro, and some others. So for me since I'm a homebody and usually here at the house most of the time. I end up spending a good deal of time in that room getting acquainted with my Phase 3 ZX and soon to be Phase 3 ZXXL. Otherwise if I do have to leave the house it's usually my TM2 for on the go quick and easy type thing. If I go to a friends house I might take my TA3 and a good triple flame cigar torch. Otherwise the ZX see's most of the action now days..


@invertedisdead Thinking about ordering the new ZX Bowl for larger load capacity. I saw the new design you were thinking about changing too. Should I wait to order? Will my order be changed if the decision is made to go with the other bowl design instead?

I believe you're referring to the 16MM coil ZXL I posted a page or so back, that's an 18MM male jointed vape so it's not compatible with any ZX bowls.

The ZXL has quite a bit larger bowl capacity than even the 3 position ZX bowl.

The 16MM coil ZXL is just a concept at the moment but some people seemed into it.
If you ordered a ZX bowl and I decided to introduce that other kit you could always change your order, no problem.

inspired by @IZ_is (thanks!) I became very curious about the wireless experience so I threw together a (very primitive) wireless ZX setup to see what it's about. honestly very impressed. no issues with heat retention, and it does improve the experience. I haven't tried another wireless ball vape but I think the ZX may lend itself especially well to wireless due to the light weight.

as you can see my setup is very rough, but function is good enough that I will definitely be looking to build or buy a more properly finished setup. I guess the sky is the limit with custom setups, but I think there is probably a market for a simple wireless ZX kit



Love to see the experimenting! Super cool :rockon:

I hope these DIYs build more interest in the ZXWireless 'cause I'd like to offer it.

Thanks so much for rocking with me ,OG! Appreciate the kind comments friend, much respect to the vape veterans representing PHASE3 :cheers:

A small request as well-

I see in your outlined plans you were intending to make one of the butane/IH devices WPA only. Please don’t do that.

The tornado is currently like that. There’s people who want to buy it but won’t until it gets a stem, and people sawing up new parts and digging out old ones just to get it on a stem.

If your device can do what the tornado does or better, and also beat them to getting it on a stem it’s kind of an open goal waiting for you to walk the ball into

It's all fair game, I might make a stem for the Tornado too :wave:

Though I'm not entirely sure why the Tornado doesn't fit existing stuff, I need to re-read what the issue is with that.
I went to order one the other day to evaluate but it had already sold out.
I could port my new revised Mako 2 cooling stem over to that.
The new Mako 2 stem is coming in the big batch of sample parts and should fit popular 8MM vapes.

I would love a simple wireless station with some sort of protective coil guard. Right now I just keep my ZX head in a coffee mug while I’m using it, but the mug gets quite hot after a while so it’s not my favorite solution. The high price of some of these wireless stations from CH and others is kind of a turnoff, it’s quite expensive to get up and running with one of those setups. Something similar to @kimura’s DIY setup would be perfectly fine, though I would feel much better with a guard as I have a cat. 🐱

Budget friendly coil caddy is coming for testing in the big sample batch as well!

In usual PHASE3 style it's the opposite of everyone else's :whoa:
Yes, the coil is guarded / protected.

Or make it Dynavap/revolve/Tempest stem compatible also.

It's a good idea but most of my new designs are larger than those platforms.
I have a couple prototypes incoming for that size, but I didn't want to force the others to fit if it didn't seem ideal.

Honestly this is probably the best option, tapping into the existing 8mm stem market. Especially if it’s as thermally optimised as you’d expect from inverted. I doubt it’ll need a crazy cooling stem

It would most likely change the entire dynamics too much.
The thermodynamic optimization means the head won't work so well with other stems, as other stems haven't been designed for this sort of heat transfer.

Most of my newer concepts are purpose built systems meant to specifically work together, but I'm sure in usual vape tinkerer fashion some swapping and experimenting will definitely be going down!

@invertedisdead Speaking of growing the brand, did you ever think of making a TM2 stem? Its sold loads, and users are always picking up new stems. I think making high quality accessories for really popular vapes would raise peoples awareness of P3's existence.

Yeah I bought a TM2 with plans to offer stuff for them, but I kinda lost interest in the project. Maybe mine's broken, IDK, it never really blew my socks off.

There's been some considerations to do some aftermarket designs for portables vapes, the projects aren't quite as exciting as making the actual vaporizer, but there's probably more sales opportunities with those popular vapes.

That was the idea behind me doing this new 8MM cooling stem is I can cover more bases and devices with one design compared to offering a TM2 stem.
I think there was talk of zirconia Arizer stems so sort of along your line of thinking? I am still well and truly keen for this to become a reality as someone that absolutely loves their Solo 3

Yeah I talked about doing that too, but the third party glass parts are so cheap that it seemed a challenge getting folks to splurge for the Z gear.
All that stuff is still on the to-do list, but it's hard to find a priority when none of it ever really draws a landslide of interest. Maybe I'm over expecting some powerful response, but it makes me feel like the ideas are just kinda average if they don't "light a fire."

Hey man thanks for the additional perspective, I’ll admit I could’ve said that in a less absolute way so thanks for bringing that up and giving me a chance to walk that back a bit.

So my issue is that I can’t really have it all out, if that makes sense. Each session I would have to get the PID and coil out, vape and glass out, set it up, wait for it to get to temp, rip it, then sit and twiddle my thumbs until it was cool enough to store safely. From this point of view, it’s so much faster and more convenient for me to load a butane vape, torch/IH it and then get on with my day. Most people in similar situations seem to either do this or own something like a TM2 or similar. Hope that makes a bit more sense to you than an absolute statement!

I can see how it would be convenient if you had it permanently set up, the actual workflow of these devices is undeniably simple. The ZX also appears to be very fast at getting to temp and recovering it which I imagine helps further. It’s just everything else around it and then the burn risks on top that stops it being viable for me.

Yeah I definitely get it, I realize there's a lot of people in similar situations; I'm working on some stuff to fill that need for a quick powerful hit.

I guess I've always had a vape station, I started with a desktop and have had a plugin vape for almost all of my vaping career; used to carry a Volcano in an Ogio backpack as a portable setup lol.

Depending a person's living situation. Mine is more relaxed since it's just me and my wife. All the kids are older 20's & 30's have their own homes now and are doing their own thing . So we have two extra rooms in the house now. I made one of them a designated whisky tasting/mj vaping room. I have a small collection of whisky that I enjoy on occasion., but mostly vaping though. Have the ZX at it is own little desk and chair. Next to that is a cabinet that looks kind of like a bar cart, which is where I keep all of the small manual vapes, like vapman, TM2, TA3, few different dynvaps, dc elevator, puffco peak pro, and some others. So for me since I'm a homebody and usually here at the house most of the time. I end up spending a good deal of time in that room getting acquainted with my Phase 3 ZX and soon to be Phase 3 ZXXL. Otherwise if I do have to leave the house it's usually my TM2 for on the go quick and easy type thing. If I go to a friends house I might take my TA3 and a good triple flame cigar torch. Otherwise the ZX see's most of the action now days..

Super epic, thanks for rocking with me boss!

I think I want to build a vape room too, with a Haagen Dazs freezer; and a taco bar :drool:

Wow this thread really blew up, that doesn't happen too often but fun to see and read - appreciate everyone chiming in and sharing their perspective, thanks to everyone here for the ride!


Well-Known Member
I believe you're referring to the 16MM coil ZXL I posted a page or so back, that's an 18MM male jointed vape so it's not compatible with any ZX bowls.

The ZXL has quite a bit larger bowl capacity than even the 3 position ZX bowl.

The 16MM coil ZXL is just a concept at the moment but some people seemed into it.
If you ordered a ZX bowl and I decided to introduce that other kit you could always change your order, no problem.

Love to see the experimenting! Super cool :rockon:

I hope these DIYs build more interest in the ZXWireless 'cause I'd like to offer it.

Thanks so much for rocking with me ,OG! Appreciate the kind comments friend, much respect to the vape veterans representing PHASE3 :cheers:

It's all fair game, I might make a stem for the Tornado too :wave:

Though I'm not entirely sure why the Tornado doesn't fit existing stuff, I need to re-read what the issue is with that.
I went to order one the other day to evaluate but it had already sold out.
I could port my new revised Mako 2 cooling stem over to that.
The new Mako 2 stem is coming in the big batch of sample parts and should fit popular 8MM vapes.

Budget friendly coil caddy is coming for testing in the big sample batch as well!

In usual PHASE3 style it's the opposite of everyone else's :whoa:
Yes, the coil is guarded / protected.

It's a good idea but most of my new designs are larger than those platforms.
I have a couple prototypes incoming for that size, but I didn't want to force the others to fit if it didn't seem ideal.

It would most likely change the entire dynamics too much.
The thermodynamic optimization means the head won't work so well with other stems, as other stems haven't been designed for this sort of heat transfer.

Most of my newer concepts are purpose built systems meant to specifically work together, but I'm sure in usual vape tinkerer fashion some swapping and experimenting will definitely be going down!

Yeah I bought a TM2 with plans to offer stuff for them, but I kinda lost interest in the project. Maybe mine's broken, IDK, it never really blew my socks off.

There's been some considerations to do some aftermarket designs for portables vapes, the projects aren't quite as exciting as making the actual vaporizer, but there's probably more sales opportunities with those popular vapes.

That was the idea behind me doing this new 8MM cooling stem is I can cover more bases and devices with one design compared to offering a TM2 stem.

Yeah I talked about doing that too, but the third party glass parts are so cheap that it seemed a challenge getting folks to splurge for the Z gear.
All that stuff is still on the to-do list, but it's hard to find a priority when none of it ever really draws a landslide of interest. Maybe I'm over expecting some powerful response, but it makes me feel like the ideas are just kinda average if they don't "light a fire."

Yeah I definitely get it, I realize there's a lot of people in similar situations; I'm working on some stuff to fill that need for a quick powerful hit.

I guess I've always had a vape station, I started with a desktop and have had a plugin vape for almost all of my vaping career; used to carry a Volcano in an Ogio backpack as a portable setup lol.

Super epic, thanks for rocking with me boss!

I think I want to build a vape room too, with a Haagen Dazs freezer; and a taco bar :drool:

Wow this thread really blew up, that doesn't happen too often but fun to see and read - appreciate everyone chiming in and sharing their perspective, thanks to everyone here for the ride!
Definitely interested in that 8mm stem. I can use one for the ta3.


Well-Known Member
Though I'm not entirely sure why the Tornado doesn't fit existing stuff, I need to re-read what the issue is with that.

Firstly thanks for the reply.

So the reason it doesn’t fit is that the female end on the oven is shorter than it is on the Anvil oven. Because the airflow isn’t being routed through that connection anymore the airflow holes on the male end of the stem aren’t needed. When you put the Tornado on it bottoms out before hitting the final oring. Hence people sawing that part of their stem off or using the older stem where this was a separate part that could be removed

It’s odd really, because John could’ve kept the female connector the same length and maintained total compatibility between Anvil and Tornado - the Tornado would’ve simply covered the airflow holes it didn’t need.

Vestratto gonna Vestratto though :lol:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
It’s odd really, because John could’ve kept the female connector the same length and maintained total compatibility between Anvil and Tornado - the Tornado would’ve simply covered the airflow holes it didn’t need.
Which is why for once I’m going to wait for all this to shake out before even considering buying one of these.


Firstly thanks for the reply.

So the reason it doesn’t fit is that the female end on the oven is shorter than it is on the Anvil oven. Because the airflow isn’t being routed through that connection anymore the airflow holes on the male end of the stem aren’t needed. When you put the Tornado on it bottoms out before hitting the final oring. Hence people sawing that part of their stem off or using the older stem where this was a separate part that could be removed

It’s odd really, because John could’ve kept the female connector the same length and maintained total compatibility between Anvil and Tornado - the Tornado would’ve simply covered the airflow holes it didn’t need.

Vestratto gonna Vestratto though :lol:

Ahhh okay, I see now' I forgot they have that female end on the oven; and you have to buy the $50 adapter to use the common 8MM stems.
I haven't used an Anvil in a very hot minute 🔥 :p


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
have to buy the $50 adapter to use the common 8MM stems

And the Tornado isn’t even compatible within the Vestratto product line. It’s shockingly bad foresight, shockingly bad understanding of design philosophy, or shockingly shameless soaking of customers for every penny that can be had. None of those things inspire me.


The Phase3 ball vapes seem very capable of being swapped back and forth from wired to wireless. Maybe I'm missing something. Like a ZXXL handle attached to the other heaters?

Are the ZXXLs all sold out? Any out in the wild?

Nah ZXXL's are still available for preorder, a couple people asked for refunds so there's probably a few more available compared to last time I posted about them. Sorry for the delays, it's kinda out of my control but I understand everyone has different limits for patience.

There's just no specific feature on the ZX itself for installing a handle, but people have DIYd various methods that seem to work well enough.

The ZXWireless goes about it in a slightly different approach than the 25MM.
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