Phase3 Vaporizers


I know what the poll results say. But I feel like there are already enough induction / torch vapes in the market today. Dynavaps, thermal accumulator, Dani, 18 mm Killer, Terpcicle, Tempest, FMJ, Anvil and the list go's on for days. However an entry level wireless vape that is not made from titanium or stainless steel there aren't a lot of choices for that type of thing at the moment.

Budget wireless stuff is on my to-do list, but I want to get the ZXXL completed first.
As I'm still trying to sell through this small batch of 50 ZXXL's, there's nothing to really suggest a super strong demand for wireless zirconia gear.

Induction stuff just seems to be where everyone's hanging out these days, some of the fancy heaters cost more than my whole kit so there's just way more of an audience for that category.

Dyna, Dani, TA, Tempest, and Anvil / Tornado is probably some of the most popular platforms in the industry right now.

I think more people would try my zirconia stuff if it was priced lower than titanium, but unless it's actually undercutting on price I'm not sure it will ever stand out in the way I had expected it would.

I think so many people are coming from metal vapes that it's just familiar for them to keep the tradition going.
Plus there's so much more interest in conduction and hybrid stuff now.

For us old heads the dream vape was always "all glass pure convection" but it doesn't seem like that's as desired as it used to be.
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