Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
Howdy friend I appreciate your interest, theres a bunch of veteran vapers in here who have put the ZX at the top of the pack, I definitely think it would be up your alley.

That said things are running quite a bit behind, they definitely won’t be ready in the next week or two. It’s just the effect of a super small batch product, I only make a few dozen at a time.

I hope a ZX finds a way into your future!

Welp too bad. Its still my dream vape, guess it ain't meant to be this time. Will stick around here for a bit, excited to see whats next.


Well-Known Member
Ok, trying to stay polite this time. Which honestly is getting hard at some point. Because Ryan, you have still not send out my replacement coil! You just sent me the second FAKE tracking number. Its been well over two months now. You certainly know about the problem but you dont seem to care at all. You just send out fake tracking numbers but never actually bother to go to the post office to send it off. I payed for this Ryan! Im lost at this point honestly. I never encountered anything like this... do i really have to file a complaint with paypal now? This is incredibly annoying, and the worst customer experience of my entire life.


Well-Known Member
Ok, trying to stay polite this time. Which honestly is getting hard at some point. Because Ryan, you have still not send out my replacement coil! You just sent me the second FAKE tracking number. Its been well over two months now. You certainly know about the problem but you dont seem to care at all. You just send out fake tracking numbers but never actually bother to go to the post office to send it off. I payed for this Ryan! Im lost at this point honestly. I never encountered anything like this... do i really have to file a complaint with paypal now? This is incredibly annoying, and the worst customer experience of my entire life.
You can buy cheap coil on Aliexpress.
Waiting two months is quite anecdotal for me


Ok, trying to stay polite this time. Which honestly is getting hard at some point. Because Ryan, you have still not send out my replacement coil! You just sent me the second FAKE tracking number. Its been well over two months now. You certainly know about the problem but you dont seem to care at all. You just send out fake tracking numbers but never actually bother to go to the post office to send it off. I payed for this Ryan! Im lost at this point honestly. I never encountered anything like this... do i really have to file a complaint with paypal now? This is incredibly annoying, and the worst customer experience of my entire life.

I just looked up your tracking right now and it’s currently moving through USPS. Its unlikely that a “fake tracking number” would work on the USPS website and show movement.

Now it is true that I thought your replacement had went out some time ago.
For that I apologize for the untimely delay.
I never check tracking numbers so I had no idea. If you saw it hasn’t moved it would have helped a lot if you would have just sent me an email.

I’m 1500 miles away from my inventory.
I sell a couple vapes a month to passionate enthusiasts looking for the best.

I started PHASE3 to earn a little money so I could be around to take care of my mom while she battles pancreatic cancer, again. My family helps send them out for me when they can.

Im truly sorry and feel bad that you received a defective coil. A part that even worked when you received it, so there was no way to even predict it might be faulty.

One things for sure is I never hold anyone’s money hostage.

If you’d prefer a refund you can send the full ZX kit back, as-is, and I’d be happy to issue a full refund upon arrival.

@invertedisdead I'm considering a Tempest, but would love to just get the tip if you can come up with an effective stem design! Gonna be a minute on this one?

The first round prototypes of the PHASE3 thermodynamically optimized cooling stem are really coming for evaluation, but unless I sell some prototypes it would probably be 30-60 days out for a small production run if the design goes to the next stage.

It’s radically different from everyone else’s cooling stems. I’m excited about it as I think it’s an innovative approach.

The communities interest in this category has not gone unnoticed, I’m putting together a new monster heavy hitting supervape to play along in this genre of butane / induction devices.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the coil somehow magically was moved to the post office yesterday after i wrote my post 🤣 whatever. Im just glad you finally made it! Thanks


Yes, the coil somehow magically was moved to the post office yesterday after i wrote my post 🤣 whatever. Im just glad you finally made it! Thanks

It’s a strange coincidence, but just that.
You posted at 9:03 AM, yet I have parcels from the same group showing USPS acceptance at 8:48 AM, before your message even took place.

The tracking shows the label was purchased on August 26, which is when it should have went out. I apologize for the delays but with me not being present to personally ship these parcels right now it’s a bit out of my control.

Luckily everybody has been super compassionate and understanding.
I only wish I could get you on board friend.

Wanted to express my intense interest in this - especially to pair with the Camouflet inductor

It’s gonna be an ass kicker.

This one should put PHASE3 on the map for good. It works on similar principals as my thermodynamically optimized 8MM hybrid vape, but the convection air heater is a totally different design to support the larger bowl, which is almost double the capacity. This one might end up taking priority over the smaller TO8MM design as I think there’s more interest overall right now in large capacity heavy hitters. It should work very well with small amounts too. I’m considering ways to make the bowl size adjustable.

@invertedisdead What is the timeline for the ZXXL to ship out? Thank you sir,

I haven’t heard anything concrete yet but I’ll look into it. As far as I know the production schedule is still delayed. Thanks for your patience!


Well-Known Member
The first round prototypes of the PHASE3 thermodynamically optimized cooling stem are really coming for evaluation, but unless I sell some prototypes it would probably be 30-60 days out for a small production run if the design goes to the next stage.

It’s radically different from everyone else’s cooling stems. I’m excited about it as I think it’s an innovative approach.

The communities interest in this category has not gone unnoticed, I’m putting together a new monster heavy hitting supervape to play along in this genre of butane / induction devices.
Adding to this chain- I’d certainly love a cooling stem prototype :science::o lol


Well-Known Member
Has anybody figured out a wireless heating setup for the ZX?

My pid and coil are super old so I’m thinking about a backup/replacement, and wondering if I should try going a different direction (wireless)

Sorry if this was already discussed. I read a bit but couldn’t find much


Well-Known Member
Saw a short clip from someone I follow showing off a wireless setup that looked pretty dope. Simple metal loop handle that looks like it fits against the top ledge. I couldn't tell if the coil just engulfed the entire head or was open at the bottom. And the "who" it was doing the demo is lost somewhere in the attic of my brain even though it was only this morning. Maybe they will see this and remind me ;-{>====


Well-Known Member
Has anybody figured out a wireless heating setup for the ZX?

My pid and coil are super old so I’m thinking about a backup/replacement, and wondering if I should try going a different direction (wireless)

Sorry if this was already discussed. I read a bit but couldn’t find much
Check out latest post on the gophase3 instagram. @Pukka that’s probably what you saw? He just chopped an old 16mm coil to attach a handle to the zx. I did the same thing recently and it works great.

Another guy earlier on in this thread used stainless steel zip ties.


imagine, thinking that @invertedisdead would send out a fake tracking number... must be off your fuckin meds :rofl:

I just pre-ordered the new bowl. excited to experience the perfect fit as I've been using 3rd party glass adapters so far. ZX is worthy of the investment. couldn't really ask for a better home vape

Salute to you for rocking with me, FC-OG!

I’ve been tapering down this week in preparation for a trip to Europe where I won’t have any weed, and I’m super impressed with what the ZX can do with these super tiny bowls I’ve been vaping! Don’t think I’ve experienced better extraction in a vape before.

Now that's a super powerful testimony from another FC-OG!
I truly feel it's the most efficient vape I've ever used.

Quick little snapper with the ZX.

Much love to all you FC veterans for supporting the vision!
I'm stoked to have created a device that the most seasoned and experienced enthusiasts enjoy. That's definitely what's up.

Love seeing the Stone Glass Works tube, definitely an automatic sign of an OG.
I'm lucky to have been able to spend a little time in his shop and watch some of the glass magic happen over some dabs :science:

Adding to this chain- I’d certainly love a cooling stem prototype :science::o lol

I appreciate the interest from everyone,

The cooling stem just needs some testing to check the fitment and attachment of the two sample components.
If it fits well without any adjustments then I could get some more pretty quickly.

@invertedisdead supervape? You just created a new trigger word for me. :nod:

Anxiously awaiting details...

Has anybody figured out a wireless heating setup for the ZX?

My pid and coil are super old so I’m thinking about a backup/replacement, and wondering if I should try going a different direction (wireless)

Sorry if this was already discussed. I read a bit but couldn’t find much

There's been a few people building them recently, there's a couple different variations posted on my Instagram and some others in this thread somewhere.

The ZXWireless has been getting a bit more interest now so maybe the official model will come around, but when I talk about stuff like that people stop buying ZX's so it's a tricky subject :science:
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