Phase3 Vaporizers


What are the two positions and how do they work? Same with the KILLSWITCH, can you explain it a bit?

The screen positions in the top of the bowl are identical to the previous ZXXL model
Step 1 @ 5MM depth
Step 2 @ 10MM depth

Both of the top two screen positions allow a full recess into the heater head, for conduction support from the heater at the sidewalls of the bowl (the edges of your herb)

Step 3 [KILLSWITCH] is totally new and nearly twice as deep as Step 2, this allows for some huge party bowls to truly take advantage of the effort that has gone into redesigning the thermal insulation to promote as much heat retention as possible.

Other companies are removing their machined screens in favor of cheaper to manufacture designs that use mesh screens.
I totally get it, that was the point of the ZX.
But for wireless I see an opportunity to fully surround the bead pack in zirconia to create an improved "oven"
Like a fully brick lined pizza oven.

Ooh! That's really lovely looking!

"Direct conduction support" .... As in the load touching the heater rather than relying on preheated bowl?

Will the price point remain the same? I think I might need one of these after all!

No herb touching the heater, sorry for the confusion, the conduction support is just from the diffuser design recessing the bowl all the way inside the head. The bowl sidewalls have been reduced a bit as well to access that conduction support sooner on the inhale.

I'm glad you like this new approach my friend, the other rendering is definitely cool too, but it's been bothering me a little with how much it looks like a ceramic CH. I wanted to try and put some of that Z8 style P3 flare on this one and try to maybe turn it into something that could become more popular, I'm hoping the D-Nail Lotus helps spread the word and gets more concentrate friends into these boutique dry herb vapes.

Price is the same! (for now)

I like the new design alot but the lack of handle on the part that goes in the 25mm coil kinda scares me.

Sorry friend that's just because I started this design from scratch with a blank canvas, the head still has a handle, it's just modeled in the other document with the previous ZXXL rendering!

Just ordered! I'm down with the new design!

Nice to see you around dude I hope you've been well!
Appreciate you rocking with the Z-Team!
I'm hoping people are digging this new take and try and do something a bit more radical.


Well-Known Member
ZXXL “Nuclear Capable”



PHASE3 signature slotted intakes and outlets
Reduces bead clogging and provides higher airflow. Allows for 100% metal screen free operation in the heater for a 100% ceramic heat path up top.

New lid design.

Hot Box 360 degree bead insulation - the zirconia wall thickness has been increased throughout the entire housing to provide unparalleled heat retention above, below, and around the entire bead chamber, using the best insulating material on the market.

The PHASE3 difference - we insulate the beads WITH the housing, which provides a steady battery of heat throughout the duration of your inhale ; other companies use the BEADS to insulate their housing, resulting in reduced heat retention and reduced heat transfer.

Unibody ambidextrous zirconia bowl with integrated thermal gapped handle.
Thermal isolation has been applied both axially and radially to reduce the form factor, number of parts, and reduce leverage on your glass

2+1 screen positions

The two positions in the diffuser allow for direct conduction support.

An additional KILLSWITCH slot has been added at the bottom for full convection and over 1+ gram capacity.

ZXXL preorder buyers please vote here if you would like to see this. My manufacturer has been backed up for months due to a large 250,000 pc order for a huge LED client. I’ve had quite some time to play around with this design. If a majority of preorder supporters votes to switch it will be changed and you will receive this updated version. If the majority aren’t in favor the previous model will still be produced. Why change at all? To be honest the last model, although cool, was looking a lot like Cannabis Hardware stuff. I’ve been thinking of ways to make things more PHASE3 as well as improve the product to try and keep it around longer as a flagship product.

As always your thoughts and comments are appreciated.


Are you going to do zirconia beads inside for the 100% ceramic heat path? Also, how is the lid secured, threads?


Are you going to do zirconia beads inside for the 100% ceramic heat path? Also, how is the lid secured, threads?

The idea is to convert over to silicon carbide [SiC] beads for this particular model.

I believe that is the optimum material for this specific design.

Zirconia would add a lot of insulation for this wide of a head.

Yes, the lid is still threaded, but it's now a much lower profile design.
This new lid easier to manufacture, and allows me to keep a thicker sidewall for a more integral part.


Well-Known Member
Looking back through emails from the first run I figure I paid about $260 shipped for the heater, glass bowl, plus eventually the Zi bowl. The ZX didn't come with a coil I don't believe, and a Crossing coil and PID are like another $130. The current price for the kit is about what I paid for my setup, which didn't have a stand included.

The money was very well spent--I use mine daily. I understand the apprehension over prices rising but Ryan's gotta earn enough to keep P3 in business and the ZX is really a sweet deal, easily worth the price. Saving up the add'l $50 will be much less a bummer than not having one, imho.
Once my ZX arrived, it didn't seem too expensive at all. In fact I was surprised at getting that level of quality for the price. Much more bang for your buck than Cannabis Hardware gear imo.


Well-Known Member
ZXXL preorder buyers please vote here if you would like to see this. My manufacturer has been backed up for months due to a large 250,000 pc order for a huge LED client. I’ve had quite some time to play around with this design. If a majority of preorder supporters votes to switch it will be changed and you will receive this updated version. If the majority aren’t in favor the previous model will still be produced. Why change at all? To be honest the last model, although cool, was looking a lot like Cannabis Hardware stuff. I’ve been thinking of ways to make things more PHASE3 as well as improve the product to try and keep it around longer as a flagship product.
I vote for whatever you think is best I’m not buying it because it’s a “ZXXL” I’m buying it because I believe it’s going to be your best design. This is my fuck money purchase of the year. I don’t care what it looks like or anything I just want it to be the best possible product you can make.


Well-Known Member
Once my ZX arrived, it didn't seem too expensive at all. In fact I was surprised at getting that level of quality for the price. Much more bang for your buck than Cannabis Hardware gear imo.
I had gotten a Z8 and was so happy with it I felt the same as you. Then the ZX arrived and I was like, man, he really did it: just about as functional, efficient, flavorful, and gorgeous, but at a significant savings. To me it's an iconic vape and I hope everyone can get one!


Well-Known Member
I had gotten a Z8 and was so happy with it I felt the same as you. Then the ZX arrived and I was like, man, he really did it: just about as functional, efficient, flavorful, and gorgeous, but at a significant savings. To me it's an iconic vape and I hope everyone can get one!
It's one of a kind. Nothing else does what ZX does. Just put my money where my mouth is and pre-ordered the revised bowl. More efficiency for those 0.075g snaps :clap:


Well-Known Member
I vote for whatever you think is best I’m not buying it because it’s a “ZXXL” I’m buying it because I believe it’s going to be your best design. This is my fuck money purchase of the year. I don’t care what it looks like or anything I just want it to be the best possible product you can make.
I just put in my ZXXL pre order and couldn’t have said it better myself


Well-Known Member
The idea is to convert over to silicon carbide [SiC] beads for this particular model.

I believe that is the optimum material for this specific design.

Zirconia would add a lot of insulation for this wide of a head.

Yes, the lid is still threaded, but it's now a much lower profile design.
This new lid easier to manufacture, and allows me to keep a thicker sidewall for a more integral part.
The idea is to convert over to silicon carbide [SiC] beads for this particular model.

The flavor will not be degraded with SIC balls.
I tried it in my ZX and it didn't convince me.
It kills the terps. It's powerful and gives you more sedative indica type effects... but I preferred the rubies by far.
I also tried zircon beads, but the zircon flavor was too present.
The best balance are rubies.
But maybe with this new concept everything changes?
And maybe the comparison on my part with the ZX pure convection, may not make sense anyway 😂


Well-Known Member
ZXXL “Nuclear Capable”



PHASE3 signature slotted intakes and outlets
Reduces bead clogging and provides higher airflow. Allows for 100% metal screen free operation in the heater for a 100% ceramic heat path up top.

New lid design.

Hot Box 360 degree bead insulation - the zirconia wall thickness has been increased throughout the entire housing to provide unparalleled heat retention above, below, and around the entire bead chamber, using the best insulating material on the market.

The PHASE3 difference - we insulate the beads WITH the housing, which provides a steady battery of heat throughout the duration of your inhale ; other companies use the BEADS to insulate their housing, resulting in reduced heat retention and reduced heat transfer.

Unibody ambidextrous zirconia bowl with integrated thermal gapped handle.
Thermal isolation has been applied both axially and radially to reduce the form factor, number of parts, and reduce leverage on your glass

2+1 screen positions

The two positions in the diffuser allow for direct conduction support.

An additional KILLSWITCH slot has been added at the bottom for full convection and over 1+ gram capacity.

ZXXL preorder buyers please vote here if you would like to see this. My manufacturer has been backed up for months due to a large 250,000 pc order for a huge LED client. I’ve had quite some time to play around with this design. If a majority of preorder supporters votes to switch it will be changed and you will receive this updated version. If the majority aren’t in favor the previous model will still be produced. Why change at all? To be honest the last model, although cool, was looking a lot like Cannabis Hardware stuff. I’ve been thinking of ways to make things more PHASE3 as well as improve the product to try and keep it around longer as a flagship product.

As always your thoughts and comments are appreciated.



When factoring in the handle and the added weight of zirconium, it seems like the new design could pose some ergonomic challenges when flipping the heater over to an upright orientation after removing it from the coil. Because the ring handle puts your hand in closer proximity to the heater, it also feels like there could be more potential for accidental burns compared to devices with handles that extend out from the body. However, the insulation, diffuser positions and killswitch do sound like great new features that have the potential to be a significant addition to the overall experience.

The material and bowl design are enough of a distinction for me personally, but I get the desire to further differentiate from other offerings out there. Not against a change in design per se, but if we're putting this to a vote I think I prefer the earlier design compared to this one as it seems like it would be less awkard to use.


The flavor will not be degraded with SIC balls.
I tried it in my ZX and it didn't convince me.
It kills the terps. It's powerful and gives you more sedative indica type effects... but I preferred the rubies by far.
I also tried zircon beads, but the zircon flavor was too present.
The best balance are rubies.
But maybe with this new concept everything changes?
And maybe the comparison on my part with the ZX pure convection, may not make sense anyway 😂

Yes ruby / sapphire provides a great balance which is why all of my other devices use them.

I could keep them in this too, they would work fine for sure as all the other companies all use them in their 25MM setups.

Keep in mind SiC comes in far more grades than zirconia.
Some of them are actually pretty similar to ruby at our operating temperatures.
I was mainly thinking of using them to reduce the mass of the beads since the housing will have more than enough mass.

Depending on the SiC composition, with higher heat transfer you want to turn the temperatures down quite a bit for flavor preservation.

My opinion / experience regarding flavor is that slower / lower heat transfer tends to provide the best flavor, but it creates a longer hit so it depends on the goal. The 3MM rubies was traditionally chosen as a fine balance.

My Z8 for example is the flavor queen with 6MM sapphires.

When factoring in the handle and the added weight of zirconium, it seems like the new design could pose some ergonomic challenges when flipping the heater over to an upright orientation after removing it from the coil. Because the ring handle puts your hand in closer proximity to the heater, it also feels like there could be more potential for accidental burns compared to devices with handles that extend out from the body. However, the insulation, diffuser positions and killswitch do sound like great new features that have the potential to be a significant addition to the overall experience.

The material and bowl design are enough of a distinction for me personally, but I get the desire to further differentiate from other offerings out there. Not against a change in design per se, but if we're putting this to a vote I think I prefer the earlier design compared to this one as it seems like it would be less awkard to use.

Howdy my friend nice to see you here!

The topside dimensions are pretty much the same, it should be the same when flipping it over from the coil, it's a bit late so forgive me if I'm missing something, sometimes text is hard to explain technical ideas.

I agree with your potential concern with the integrated handle being close to the bowl, though I guess that's in the spirit of the Z family, I'm definitely a fan of the ambidextrous design. The idea to eliminate the leverage that comes from running a handle on one side.
Still considering this, nothing set it stone just yet.

I have a few different renderings, some of them have a lot wider bowl handle that puts more clearance between the bowl and the handle. I'm still experimenting with different sizes there, the size I posted is the smallest option but perhaps the most sleek.
Question on the zxxl

Would a basic CH 25mm axial coil be optimal or will it require a more specific coil?

More wraps? Armored? Something else?

I’m asking because I already have a new ch coil.

Thank you

Yes that would work fine :leaf:

No need for more wraps or anything super long.

Not sure on the armored coil, it's a cool idea but I'm not sure brass is a good compatibility with zirconia, I believe it's rather soft.
The only thing harder than zirconia is a diamond.


@invertedisdead Do you really think there is not much demand for a wireless ZX or ZXL? That would surprise me to be honest.

I'm honestly not sure, it's always hard to gauge interest in this stuff.

I can't say there's been a ton of people asking for them, but a lot of people bought wireless vapes from other companies so maybe I was supposed to just release them.

Funny you ask though 'cause I just redesigned the ZXWireless two nights ago from the ground up and it's looking super nice!
Would be a fun project to do if enough people wanted to support it.


Comfortably Numb
I'm honestly not sure, it's always hard to gauge interest in this stuff.

I can't say there's been a ton of people asking for them, but a lot of people bought wireless vapes from other companies so maybe I was supposed to just release them.

Funny you ask though 'cause I just redesigned the ZXWireless two nights ago from the ground up and it's looking super nice!
Would be a fun project to do if enough people wanted to support it.
Not in a market for desktop right now as my current situation is not ideal but this might push me over the edge even if it means taking it out just on a special occasions. Count me in!


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly not sure, it's always hard to gauge interest in this stuff.

I can't say there's been a ton of people asking for them, but a lot of people bought wireless vapes from other companies so maybe I was supposed to just release them.

Funny you ask though 'cause I just redesigned the ZXWireless two nights ago from the ground up and it's looking super nice!
Would be a fun project to do if enough people wanted to support it.
I've been wanting one for several months 🤷🏻
A presale like the ZXXL would be great for everyone in this supportive thread who wants a wireless version of the ZX.

I honestly hate exposed coils.
If the coil can stay fixed in a configuration without it will be so much better


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sending out the coil Ryan!
Now i do have a problem. I cant find a bubbler that holds the bowl properly. I tried 4 different bubblers and the bowl always wobbles around, not making a tight seal. Maybe its the bubblers, but i start to doubt it. Is it possible that my bowl is out of Spec somehow? Any way to measure it in order to make certain its correct? If so, what is the outer diameter at the very end of the bowl?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for sending out the coil Ryan!
Now i do have a problem. I cant find a bubbler that holds the bowl properly. I tried 4 different bubblers and the bowl always wobbles around, not making a tight seal. Maybe its the bubblers, but i start to doubt it. Is it possible that my bowl is out of Spec somehow? Any way to measure it in order to make certain its correct? If so, what is the outer diameter at the very end of the bowl?

It's fine, that's just the way it's cut. It fits on some of mine and not others. I just use adapters if necessary or a wooden DFreez bowl.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sending out the coil Ryan!
Now i do have a problem. I cant find a bubbler that holds the bowl properly. I tried 4 different bubblers and the bowl always wobbles around, not making a tight seal. Maybe its the bubblers, but i start to doubt it. Is it possible that my bowl is out of Spec somehow? Any way to measure it in order to make certain its correct? If so, what is the outer diameter at the very end of the bowl?

I noticed the wobbling with my cheap China glass, TAG pieces, etc., but not with my high end Leisure, Ben Wilson, RooR, Sovereignty, etc. The P3 bowl fits my high end pieces perfectly so I think it's just the way the joints are bored out.


Thanks for sending out the coil Ryan!
Now i do have a problem. I cant find a bubbler that holds the bowl properly. I tried 4 different bubblers and the bowl always wobbles around, not making a tight seal. Maybe its the bubblers, but i start to doubt it. Is it possible that my bowl is out of Spec somehow? Any way to measure it in order to make certain its correct? If so, what is the outer diameter at the very end of the bowl?


Thanks so much for your patience, happy to have you here.

The bottom is 13.5MM but the end of the bowl is rounded all the way off so the first contact point should be around 13.595MM which is held to a very tight tolerance and supposed to be measured and inspected before shipment.

I've definitely seen plenty of bubblers with poor tolerance joints that had the same wobble, ironically one in particular I still liked to use and worked fine. Sometimes the bowl wobbles from play in the joint, but the seal is actually tight as long as there's some contact being made.

From what I can tell the lower quality joints have more play, resulting in less engagement, so a longer joint has more opportunity to make contact. With properly tolerance parts it's no problem. For example this cheap 14MM rig in front of my from eBay has wobble if I put my ZX heater head directly into it, but the joint on the ZXBowl is 30% longer, resulting in more contact, and doesn't wobble at all.

The glass joints are all molded, the more expensive European ones tend to have a lot more reliable tolerances.

If it's a dewar joint those might have more issues too as they tend to have a different clearance.

Not in a market for desktop right now as my current situation is not ideal but this might push me over the edge even if it means taking it out just on a special occasions. Count me in!

Appreciate your interest friend thanks for coming around!

I've been wanting one for several months 🤷🏻
A presale like the ZXXL would be great for everyone in this supportive thread who wants a wireless version of the ZX.

I honestly hate exposed coils.
If the coil can stay fixed in a configuration without it will be so much better

Your interest has not gone unnoticed my friend, I definitely see ya, but I just mean overall I haven't seen a bunch of people knocking my door down saying "when's the wireless ZX coming."

The ZXXL preorder has been going for months and we still haven't sold through 50 units, and that's with the backing of my most loyal supporters.

I'm with you, I don't think anybody really "likes" exposed coils, it's just an economic way to get a clean hit using gear from other industries.
From what I can see reading the forum, dry herb enthusiasts are way more interested in induction heated metal vapes than a wireless ZX.

I'd need to see at least 100 preorders to do a wireless ZX.
Anything less than that and I'm just playing around.

I noticed the wobbling with my cheap China glass, TAG pieces, etc., but not with my high end Leisure, Ben Wilson, RooR, Sovereignty, etc. The P3 bowl fits my high end pieces perfectly so I think it's just the way the joints are bored out.

That's what I notice as well. My heady American glass all holds super solid, same as my USA glass bowls as they are all made with European glass.

If people feel this is a widespread issue (I only recall one other person really mentioning it to me but maybe it is)
then the new 3 position bowl could get the joint extended for an additional 50% engagement.
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