@iDRINKBLEACH .. I thank you for so kind an offer. I have messaged you with an idea!
Meanwhile, my computer works again and I am on the air. Distracted by the new rhythm that I have fallen in line with,
I still have not gotten caught up with all of the news.
Things were touch and go... and I was for a good amount of time, unable to comfortably
see as many patients as were on my list.
I have been tested 4 times already and I am still fine....Covid free.
I think my recent increase in speed and in the number of patients that I can see has a great deal to do with how comfortable I have become with taking a lead role, and giving direct instructions in a firm manner.
A bit bossy, I have learned to guide them through slightly distant, no contact instruction smoothly.
I can stop my words on a dime for an impromptu " please don't pull your mask down", without offending, due to the naturalness and sincerity with which I direct them.
Since my last meaningful post here, I have gotten 28 new patients vaporizers. Only one is in Hospice at this time.
When a patient that has been referred is in Hospice, I let them see my entire Youtube channel's contents, and they can tell me what they wish they had. If I agree it is a good placement, they can have ANYTHING in my possession.
This is non-negotiable and unconditional. The current Hospice patient has my Original Zion!
YES... I cry when I get these vaporizers back.... even when I miss the units sorely.
My current Digital Volcano has lived with 3 Terminal patients.
This time was the first time it has been returned due to Covid complications with a patient already living in Hospice.
I was not sure what to do, or how to handle this.
The staff helped her every time, to load the EZ Valve and fill the bags.
One bag every hour if that was her wish.
She only handled the actual bag.
I got the call a day after she passed.
Suffering from complications of a long term cancer along with CardioPulminary disfunction, she contracted Covid, and was placed on a special wing. I was no longer allowed to go maintain her unit... (but it was a volcano... and I had a spare bag here waiting).
I was no longer allowed in the building at all. Masked or not. Nobody was allowed in.
5 Patients in an house that was quarantined because of Covid.
I did get the Digi Volcano back home.
I had them with wipe it down with Iso, and bag it from above(pillowcase nmanuever) and box unit and send it.
I took unit from Post Office to my yard where I left it in the air for 24 hours, and then changed the air filter, and did my first Volcano session since Covid began.
The single patient that I now have in Hospice is recipient of one of the most unique of my personal vapes.
I thought I had lost it after the patient had passed, and I never heard back about the unit and was shy to ask about it.
Sensitivity and timing is paramount... so sometimes I just do not ask.
After a year I was contacted and I got back my original Zephyr Ion!
See it here-->
I kept it for a few weeks, and gave it to it's new user.
Many thanks need to be dispersed!
Many of you asked for anonymity. Some.. I am allowed to thank after vapes come in.
The thanks at this moment go to background Vape Heros.
ONE member here has kept me in masks, gloves and alcohol since Covid was "born'.
How do you appropriately thank a person like that?
Even harder is telling all that it was anonymous, as his act of generosity opened hundreds of doors for me, and provided dozens upon dozens of opportunities that patients would never have had otherwise... once the Doctors told me my aid to patients was over.
Thanks man... you know who you are. I have you and your families pictures on my wall.
Vape Hero.
What about the member here that would not have his name mentioned for a public thanks? The guy who recently bought me a new hard drive for the Mac I am typing on right now?
Vape Hero.
I have tears of gratitude running down my face right this minute....
Because my work has gone on... and on.
I am nothing... a mere tool.
You are the heroes. My heroes. Each one of you ......... Each that encouraged me.....
Vape Hero.
Thanks for reading.
I love you all.