Hi, so a few times since getting the Pax3 last month, I've hoped for an easy way to slightly reduce the oven size more than when using the half-pack lid only. Not many acceptable options out there.
Then a couple days ago I was looking at my never-to-be-used concentrate insert. I popped the concentrate lid's cap off and noticed the cap would be perfect to put on 30 or 40% of a full chamber (depending on which cap side is face down) before placing the half-pack lid on top.
Prepare to be amazed
I took the rubber gasket off the cap first, but not sure whether healthier.
I've thought for a while now that the half-pack oven-lid bottom may not have ideal contact with the herb - except for the herb in the middle of the oven. Not a problem when adding the concentrate-cap (used with herb as an oven spacer) before puting on the half-pack lid.
A toothpick helps if the cap doesn't fall out when I try to shake it out.
I've gotta say, I think that does improve performance with a small amount. A little more intense taste and vapor. Not sure if it's a bit more of a pain in the neck to deal with it. Time will tell. But good thinkin' Lincoln!
Got my Pax 3 about a week ago. I've previously had the 1 and the 2. In fact, they're the only vaporizers I've owned other than cartridge pens and my Firefly 2 which sits unused and unloved until I get my act together to put it on Craigslist.
In a nutshell: The 3 has significant improvements that make it even better than its already IMHO status as the best portable vaporizer. The quick heat up time - about 23 secs to get to my 390 preferred setting as opposed to about 1:10 with the 2 - combined with the haptic tingle makes the timing, particularly when trying to be discreet, considerably more user-friendly. The app is half gimmick, half feature. I haven't exactly figured out which settings I'll ultimately settle on but it is kinda fun to watch realtime temp readings while connected which does make it easier to quantify the setting options and which work best for you.
I have to say, I am somewhat flummoxed by the attention and love the FF2 gets on this site relative to the Pax 3. So, with all due respect to FF fans, let me make a case for the Pax 3 - or even Pax 2 - to those considering one of those two heavyweights. Let's start with their form factors. If you are looking for something portable, somehing you can throw in your pocket or bag and use on the go, to use it stealthily - there isn't even a comparison. The Pax is way smaller, lighter and more discreet. I also find the FF hard to hold comfortably while pressing the side button. It's a bit awkward which hurts the user experience.
I also had great difficulty getting a decent amount of vapor out of the FF, and tried every tip on this site - although I will admit to overmedicating while trying. And for a lightweight like me who likes one or two hits at a time, it seems like it takes a longer session than that to get the FF really cooking. With the Pax I feel like I have a much better idea of what I'm getting, a better sense of control.
Taste with the Pax is mainly plus with some minus. The first couple hits with a nice bowl is unbelievably delicious. Tiramisu delicious. In 'n Out Cheeseburger delicious. But, as the oven-full is used it goes through Not Badland to the outskirts of Nastyville. I'm still waiting for the accessory that will make it easy to serve up one or two beautiful hits then start fresh. But the good parts of the bowl are, to my buds, much tastier.
FWIW, I upgraded to the 3 because the button on my 2 was starting to go. If your 2 is working well and you don't need the lastest and greatest, don't worry, you're not missing a game changer. But I am kinda happy my button started to stick so I can enjoy the new features.
One last point. Definitely get Delta 3D studios endcaps. The Pax's smell between sessions was a drawback but is completely and conveniently solved for $2.50 a pair.