Well-Known Member
I think the screen and pusher mess with the heat profile and the bottom screen catches a lot of fine particles quickly and clogs among other things. There may be too much metal mass inside the oven with either of them. I then tried just the pusher p1 and p2 and that was better but the cheap rounded ss screen was the best and the only thing I use now along with the stock bottom screen.Please lmk what you think of the screen compared to stock , i have not had much luck with mine . TY
BTW, It's gruesome entertainment everyday reading the other threads on the newest wonder vapes and see how they are all defective out of the stable and that some people are on their 9'th replacement.

We on the pax thread have few posts cause everybody is using their vapes without any problems..
The Pax1 and 2 was good from day one. A righteous company. It's expensive but works perfectly

Thank you again...