I must be doing something really wrong. I am only getting three, maybe four, draws before my herbs turn brown. I suspect I have unknowingly set the temperature on high by thinking I was turning the unit on or off. Or maybe I'm pulling too hard? I seem to be easily confused by button-bearing vapes. I can't remember what click does what. Must be my age!

It seems like each device requires a different way of pulling on it.
Anyway, I'm going through a lot of herbs! I am filling the bowl about 1/2-3/4 full, but the herbs aren't lasting long before they burn. I had the same problem with my Alfa, so I'm thinking I need a remedial tutorial! Other forum members have worked with me on the Alfa, and they concluded by my description & photos that the Alfa might be a knock-off since I got it on ebay. The ebay person told me to keep the Alfa, and I would be receiving a "brand new" Pax2 in exchange. I don't know if I'm, being scammed or not. Maybe I should go back to my glass pipe!