So I just ordered the Pusher and the caps (thanks
@Ratchett these will come in very handy) and figured it was time to do a review. I have the "black" (I actually like that it isn't jet black) Simon edition... yes I beat it (FIRST TRY) and I am indeed in Funky Town. I've seen some people online say there's a Stealth Mode but I've yet to be able to get that.
Ease: Dang this thing is simple. Minimal moving parts, easy on/off/control system. Luckily I did my research beforehand and I already had a good idea of how to get the Easter Eggs.
Vapor: Great clouds and you can get them for quite some time if you start on "1" and work your way up over time. I usually give it a stir once I see the clouds diminish while on "4". But usually when I first get home from a long day I like to start at "3".
Taste: Better than any other I've tried (haven't used Crafty/Mighty though) but wish it didn't get popcorny quite so fast. However it still vapes hard after the taste-change. Taste isn't high on my requirements, though.
Stealth: Teeny tiny! I can actually conceal it completely in my hand while hitting it. Easily pocketable. Smell isn't bad as long as you aren't walking around with half-vaped in the oven. Caps from
@Ratchett will improve the stealthiness!
Efficiency: Pretty good. I've heard negative reviews in this department but I almost never pack a full bowl. I can make my supply last nearly twice as long as when I was smoking bowls. A little stir at the end gets just that much more. ABV is even and not so dark that I can't make coconut oil.
Effect: Gets me goooood and medicated. Nice and heady when starting at "1" or "2", but by the end when ripping hard hits on "4" I'm definitely feeling quite toasty. Of course this category is entirely subjective.
Sessionability: This is almost always used by two people. A couple half-packed ovens gets us good for a while or if we want to get dumb it's super quick and easy to clean out and load one after another. The Party Mode is great for when we're in the same room but doing other things and we don't want the stand-by to kick on. However the stand-by is nice for when we're cooking.
Battery: I'm very very impressed. As hard as we use it, charging is only necessary at the end of the night when going to bed. However when we both have the day off and have the "All Day, Err Day" mentality we typically end up charging it halfway through the day
Durability: Heck. Yes. This thing is a damn brick. I never feel like I have to be overly cautious or be careful when passing. If I or someone else needs an assist (cooking, games, etc.) it is ridiculously easy.
Miscellaneous: I haven't tried the raised mp but don't care to. I thought the flat mp would be awkward but it's freaking amazing. Allows for a very relaxed draw which is handy for when you want those 20 second hits. Oven lid magnet is very strong but it's still designed well that it's beyond simple to get it off. The minor touches of the device are nice: feels good in your hand, feels well-built, body/mp don't get too hot. The varying effects the lights can achieve aren't necessary to the rating of overall product but they are quite neat (I'm a fan of Party Mode #2 where the colors go nuts when you touch the mp).
I will admit that I don't have a ton of experience with many varieties of vaporizers but I can say that I freaking love this thing! I still want to eventually get a desktop unit but this fulfills every need we have right now and works great as a daily driver!