need a link to a new wall adapter.. have been extremely frustrated looking online, and have been to a few local shops who have no idea where to get the 12v 1000mA Type M, 2.1mm x 5.5mm adapter...
i wrapped both main flex points on the cord with heatshrink right when i built the PD, to make sure the wires wouldn't wear out, but sure enough, less than a week in, it just stopped heating. The wall wart is the problem, it looked like the wires melted right inside the box, and shorted.
It works great with the car adapter, but it it VERY annoying to run out to the car every time i want another stem.. plus it doesn't heat to full strength unless my car is running (car battery going out i think)
anyhow, i'll pay whatever to get a new plug, if its possible to get one direct.. or maybe a link to a super heavy duty appliance-type cord with those voltage specs... I just want something thats going to last.