what up fellow vaporheads; just registered because i finally ordered my Ash PDP kit.
Am very excited to see the new leather choices
hoping to be able to order an exotic one before mine ships haha
Anyhow, i'm from a tiny town in far northern cali; i've always been a bit of a handyman, actually had a seasonal job in high school woodworking, doing lathe work, and making burl tables, so i have massive appreciation for the craftsmanship of the Purple Days.. that being said, i am stoked to be crafting my own very soon! Big fan of the idea behind the materials and design of the whole PD revolution!
Am very excited to see the new leather choices

Anyhow, i'm from a tiny town in far northern cali; i've always been a bit of a handyman, actually had a seasonal job in high school woodworking, doing lathe work, and making burl tables, so i have massive appreciation for the craftsmanship of the Purple Days.. that being said, i am stoked to be crafting my own very soon! Big fan of the idea behind the materials and design of the whole PD revolution!