Well-Known Member
New developments in our ongoing quest for the best.
We are always looking at ways to improve.
In an effort to speed production of Purple-Days and to keep some of the dust out of the Shop we have been using our local Laser and Wood man to do some turning for us. I give them a sample shape and they should be able to follow the simple shape. But seems they don't pay much attention and way too many of their efforts (that I have paid for) have gone in the PD trash can. Getting truncated cones and beer barrel shapes back is not the Purple-Days way and I won't sell seconds.
We are looking at new woods, Myrtlewood and Western Maple from this area. Getting a crazy quote from our (former) Laser and Wood man, sent us looking. First stop, the fellow up the road with a Laser and a Wood Shop, he's just up the road and has a nice retail shop out front on 101 and a very nice well lit shop out back.
I walked into the shop from a pouring rain with a little white box. Introduced myself and asked if they were working at full capacity. I think at first (of course) he thought I wanted a job. No, then I think he thought I was gonna try to sell something. No, I'm here to give you business.
Ahh, we got got down to tacks. They have Myrtlewood, they have Western Maple and we started talkiig wood. This fellow is knowledgeable and creative too. Quite proud of his shop, his workers and the quality of their work, "second to none.", he said. And that's what we want. Funny, he looked at the laser logo on my sample and commented that it wasn't a very good laser job, this was before we got too far into the discussion. I knew this was the guy!
We see eye to eye, and I can't say that about everyone I meet.
We are always looking at ways to improve.

In an effort to speed production of Purple-Days and to keep some of the dust out of the Shop we have been using our local Laser and Wood man to do some turning for us. I give them a sample shape and they should be able to follow the simple shape. But seems they don't pay much attention and way too many of their efforts (that I have paid for) have gone in the PD trash can. Getting truncated cones and beer barrel shapes back is not the Purple-Days way and I won't sell seconds.

We are looking at new woods, Myrtlewood and Western Maple from this area. Getting a crazy quote from our (former) Laser and Wood man, sent us looking. First stop, the fellow up the road with a Laser and a Wood Shop, he's just up the road and has a nice retail shop out front on 101 and a very nice well lit shop out back.
I walked into the shop from a pouring rain with a little white box. Introduced myself and asked if they were working at full capacity. I think at first (of course) he thought I wanted a job. No, then I think he thought I was gonna try to sell something. No, I'm here to give you business.
Ahh, we got got down to tacks. They have Myrtlewood, they have Western Maple and we started talkiig wood. This fellow is knowledgeable and creative too. Quite proud of his shop, his workers and the quality of their work, "second to none.", he said. And that's what we want. Funny, he looked at the laser logo on my sample and commented that it wasn't a very good laser job, this was before we got too far into the discussion. I knew this was the guy!