Nice pics of Paisley leather ^^^.

only available to the PDP folks now. All retail units are purple clad, for the visible future.
I figured a RC'er would show us how to do it right. These folks are at the front of mini and micro. Some of the motors are extreme.
I bookmarked these guys, at hobbyking just the other day. I used to build and not always right, fly RC gliders. Gravity always wins. Micro copters look fun...
I would think, and I might be wrong, that you could not use the full 5.0 amps. This may not hold for this battery, but hazard a guess of -10% below rating, for wear and tear, and old battery or incomplete charge cycle (correct me, new batteries, old math . . .) And the 12 V may not be provided over the entire, remaining 4.5 A, say take 20% from that . . . I would use 3.5 A as a rough guess of usable power, but is that at 12V ? I haven't looked hard but think if the cell pack is rated at a different voltage we will come to different conclusions. Still.... helluva power supply !