OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)


Well-Known Member
Harvest season came and seems to be bringing me some extra big and super dense buds...
Those big budded beauties revived my dreams of an XL OMD.
Wonder if @OMD has got any updates on that big chunk of SS that was in the pipeline?
I can not wait to get my hands on one!
My buds and i are ready for it!

I use a full ceramic bearing and that makes it spin for ages (well, for minutes tbh).
Has pro's and cons so it's a choice one has to make...

-spin time
-ease of cleaning (can be fully submerged in ISO)
-no lubricants needed
-spin time (or did i say that already?)

-OMD does not advise them because the ceramic (being harder than SS) might scratch/shave the central post when opening/closing
-mine only came in white so no fancy color options (there are hybrids i believe, combining ceramic balls and ss housing?)
-mine is open top so in theory more prone to dust/particles getting in there (didn't have that issue yet but i'm a bit mindfull about nothing getting in there)
Got a link?
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