O'Connell Woodworks Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
I have enjoyed mine a great deal. I use it on less windy days outside on hikes/walks and keep it in a small camera case that also holds my torch and doob tube. It is pretty forgiving but requires some patience to get your technique where you will likely want it. I think you will like it and if you don’t it will always be an easy sell ion the FC classifieds. Peace!

I’m sure it would be an easy pickup as I have a Runt that was like a fish learning to swim. The issue is expendable income, space in my rotation, and the understanding of my wife

Great vape. Whomever buys it will almost certainly love it.

I get the impression they have a stock in a few options. Walnut is gone and so is the spalted but cherry and maple and one more were still in stock when I last looked.
Edit. As of now cherry and alder still showing available
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Well-Known Member
I’m sure it would be an easy pickup as I have a Runt that was like a fish learning to swim. The issue is expendable income, space in my rotation, and the understanding of my wife

I get the impression they have a stock in a few options. Walnut is gone and so is the spalted but cherry and maple and one more were still in stock when I last looked.
The micro has been removed as an option.


Well-Known Member
Here's some screen shots. It's got a lid like the SB jr. One of the reasons I prefer the micro is no lid to set down or drop.
Looking back at these pics, it looks like if you could turn the intake block instead of the glass to a sideways torching position and then back to an inline position (as with the current version) it would be easy to open/hit/close back up on the fly, and alleviate the hot glass problem. Maybe it already does that?


Art is beauty
First bowl thru a new BSS. It’s my first butane vape and the hit was great. Still trying to figure out the technique. Great flavor. I wanted a non-electric option!! The last bowl I started developing a hot spot so I can see now how to take it to far but nothing beyond that. Way tasty.

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Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
Had my noisy cricket a week now (purchased from a member here).
Took a couple of goes to suss.
Really like it. Im using dry with dimpled stem.
Great taste. Big hits.
Looks so cool.
Really envious of the burl woods and smoked glass like above but this sycamore is lovely.





Well-Known Member
Had my noisy cricket a week now (purchased from a member here).
Took a couple of goes to suss.
Really like it. Im using dry with dimpled stem.
Great taste. Big hits.
Looks so cool.
Really envious of the burl woods and smoked glass like above but this sycamore is lovely.
That's beautiful! Nice feature of these is they're a little shorter than many torch vapes so thy're easier to use on smaller glassware.


Unregulated Tendencies
Posting bc I’m surprised at how quiet the reception has been for the Micro v.4.

If the form factor isn’t cool enough, O’Connell said on Reddit that the production pieces will have matched grain for the walnut section. 👍

(I’d jump myself but the money-I-really-shouldn’t-have-spent I already spent on a Vapman.)

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Posting bc I’m surprised at how quiet the reception has been for the Micro v.4.

If the form factor isn’t cool enough, O’Connell said on Reddit that the production pieces will have matched grain for the walnut section. 👍

(I’d jump myself but the money-I-really-shouldn’t-have-spent I already spent on a Vapman.)

Goes to show how small this market is? Also difficult to promote... Looks like a very nice innovative design though... Good 420 sales!


Well-Known Member
Honestly I’m impressed by the design and build, but not with the function.

I like the micro because I can pull it from a pocket. Load, vape, stir, empty. Back in the pocket without ever setting anything down.

I’m not seeing that with the v4.
v5: make it round like a skipping stone; make the cover a half- or one-third circle; mount it on an axle so it rotates over the top, around the front end of it, under the bottom and snaps to a magnet, with notch for mouthpiece (top is now attached and out of the way, becomes a handhold); make the pipe part more or less as is, shaped for the curves; now that the heater area can (still) be secured under a cover, change it back to the old style so the glass tube is mounted in a discrete wood block that can be turned while hot without burning fingers.

One problem introduced is it adds a lot of size unless you make it a half-circle closed and a full-circle open, but it solves the two main problems of the new design. And the problem with the old design that I assume prompted the redesign: it would be difficult to use with magnets strong enough to really secure the heater block, and that perceived weakness bothered people afraid of spilling weed in their pocket.


Unregulated Tendencies
Honestly I’m impressed by the design and build, but not with the function.
The thought did occur that it’s kind of like a Vapopipe with a cool, tricksy shell but from another angle, it’s a SBJ in a truly pocketable size. Half-empty/half-full, I guess.

Very curious to hear how it hits.
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Well-Known Member
I figure v4 hype will increase as they begin to emerge in the wild. I couldn't resist and grabbed one. I really dig the cover. Would be great to not have to juggle that piece while taking a hit. But not a deal breaker for me. It is still tiny with everything protected.
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