Vapor Sloth
Hey I'm all for getting rid of the military and using that $$ to help people too but it isn't going to happen until the entrenched powers are displaced. The way I see it Wat, is I know my healthcare is going to be rationed. The question is who do I want doing it? An organic marketplace which is the culmination of millions of individual decisions in which I can participate OR do I want government with their bioethics people/panels and distributive justice (see complete lives system) rationing my care. Wat, they are already kicking medical cannabis patients out of public housing. These people are in compliance with state law. What happens when the government tells me I can't use cannabis and receive government benefits? One of my doctors already told me he could NEVER sign my medical card because his malpractice insurance wouldn't allow it. So I have the government, insurance company, bioethics folks and god knows who else between me and my doctor . . . something is wrong. The government interference in our food and medicine has gone beyond regulation and into control. And I'm not buying into this being the Obama admin, I think ANY admin in power would be doing the same thing here. I can totally see Romney doing stuff like this and much, much worse.
It’s Official: Obama Administration’s Public Housing Policy Discriminates Against Medical Marijuana Patients
It’s Official: Obama Administration’s Public Housing Policy Discriminates Against Medical Marijuana Patients