Yeah, I rarely buy more than a 1/4 every three months. I buy several grams of various strains until I get a 1/4. If I had a more monstrous vaporizer like a cloud, I would imagine going through a whole lot more. Unfortunately I have an extreme q and use the elbow pack. it doesn't hold that much weed. If I could get a hold of a elb from a cloud to try in my extreme, I might get bigger hits. I'm pretty much bottom of the line for a vxl order right now.
I could have 6 plants... However, I do have small children. I wouldn't want to risk anything with the law or cps. Besides, I think it would take me a year to get down growing some good plants at least. At harvest, I would have more weed then to know what to do with.
Re: weedmaps, we no longer have walkin despensaries. So everything is delivered. Feds have no luck raiding them since they don't have a store front. The cops don't harass the drivers here either. It's dangerous for these guys because they have been getting robbed lately. It's just unfortunate many communities are falling victim to these closures and raids, when at state level, it's all legal. I'm not sure how people are getting meds with this crisis.