I'm quite aware what paki means in the uk... I knew you would understand what it means. I'm cymru and have family in south Cardiff, other parts of England and Ireland.
And yet you still use the term? It's a racial slur ffs. What do you call black people?
(and I think you meant to say that you are Welsh rather than Wales? "Cymry" is the people, "Cymru" the country (& "dafad hystlen" the pastime...

Socialism is great, until you run out of other people's money . . .
Pure capitalism is great until you see unfortunate people suffering with treatable illnesses, only though financial hardship, whilst others nearby bathe in $1000 bottles of champagne and never do a days hard work in their lives. Can you really say that that is a good model? Whilst I can agree that a capitalist system works quite well in terms of increasing productivity and wealth, I also know that the happiest societies, for both rich and poor, are not those with a big gulf between those that have and those that have not. Some socialist policies are great and do make for a better place to live.
When we can afford it, why not care for those who are ill and suffering on our shores, regardless of their nationality? And actually we can afford it. If you choose to be selfless enough in setting your priorities. I would honestly gladly pay more tax if it went towards looking after ill people, even illegals if they did well enough to get in, rather than maintaining enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the world several times over (over 5000 in the USA, 200+ in the UK), or on picking fights with Iraqi dictators. It's just where my priorities lie- certainly not in war. Sure, we do need some war loving personalities in our society, for defense, but really.... this is out of proportion. We can do FAR more good with our resources than we do already- but we let wrong, power hungry, industry led people decide.
Maybe i am generalizing a bit, but i think most catholic nowadays have a more progressive view of things and have kept their faith along with adapting to life in the 21st century. Most like t-dub and the wife.
Ya, I agree in the western world, but I think Catholicism has still got a lot to account for elsewhere. And most certainly there's an issue with the transmission of HIV throughout the developing world, aside from the birth control aspect.