Oh no I've long said do not ever use the 14/18mm composite female base on the slim series joints. I only have 14mm male and 14/18mm female jointed rigs, so I never needed that anyway. I only use 14mm female and 14/18mm male jointed bases on my slim series which work perfectly.I have bought multiple 14 and 18 male dropdowns and that base doesnt fit any of them. The taper on it is wrong. It will barely go over the tip of the joint, much less sit down on it.
The path on the Dnail bases arent that much shorter than the Infiniti. Ive never had an issue with any Infiniti Ive ever owned getting gunked up in the center tube. I have had the Liger get gunked up once or twice.
Maybe they make dropdown differently in Europe or wherever you live. Ive been to every shop in town and taken a new, unused base with me and Ive yet to find anything that it will fit, including dropdowns made by local artists.
D-nail have always charged the same prices for their various coils, they did have extended life coils that cost a little more but are also rated for more heat cycles. The only exceptions are sales, like the 4/20 sale right now, where some coils are discounted and some are not....and the flat coil ...which acceprs the halo is pretty steep compared to the 16s and 20s which do not....why?
Popping off is my main concern. They just dont sit down on the joint and I cant have a hot nail landing on my carpet halfway through a session.
D-nail staff have always told me that if you use a 14mm rig, you should get the 14mm only male base. I will reiterate this here.The 10/14/18mm adapter is pretty bad too. Barely sits in my 14mm so if you hit the nail just wrong you'll likely break your glass. the 14mm male adapter (yeah all my rigs are female) wobbles a little in both my 18mm to 14mm adapter and in the 14mm rig. Not enough to be a problem; less drift than the universal adapter.
Anyone try the TPFE adapters? their pictures on their site is blah; I will likely bug their support and ask for a better picture of it (so I can see if it will work for me). It would limit me to 1 rig but I could manage.
THIS ^^ was extraordinarily helpful. Thank you.D-nail staff have always told me that if you use a 14mm rig, you should get the 14mm only male base. I will reiterate this here.
Here is a recap of my experiences with all d-nail slim series base options for anybody looking to buy right now:
14/18mm F base:
Simply do not buy this one no matter what you use. This is the base adapter that I believe most here are reporting issues with. This is also the one I mention that caused my nail to fall off my rig in beta testing.
14/18mm M + 10mm F base:
This is the best option for 18mm female jointed rigs. I've used this base with no problems in scientific 14mm female gong joints, but would not recommend this for use with 14mm hand worked gongs. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING THIS BASE FOR 14mm female jointed rigs. You should instead get the other option below for this.
14mm M/10mm F base:
This is the base you want for a 14mm female jointed rig. Also the best option if you have a 10mm male jointed rig. You can obviously use it with great success on an 18mm female rig if you have a 18mm/14mm reducer adapter.
14mm F base:
This is the ONLY slim series base that anybody should use on a 14mm male jointed rig.
Unfortunately, d-nail do not at present offer a base for the slim series that I recommend for an 18mm male jointed rig.
I do not recommend buying dab rigs with 18mm male joints at all as an aside, since these IME are the worst possible joints for bases getting impossibly locked onto the GonG with sticky reclaim.
If you have an 18mm male jointed rig, buy a female to female gong adapter or a dropdown that changes your adapter to 14mm or a female joint (female gongs on dab rigs are better imo, less claim issues).
Hopefully this helps to clarify all of the different bases and relevant considerations some.
I would like to take my initial comments back about the d-nail bases being total shit.
...the 2 I picked were total shit.
After seeing this laid out above clearly,..more so than d-nails,..i actually just purchased the 2 bases I initially passed on because I'm weary of heat transfer direct to my joints....but seeing as these would ideally fit any drop the others don't I'm giving it a shot....mostly because I love the free airflow of the halo setups and minimalist assembly and cleaning.
My goal was to be able to go w/ out a drop down for good...so I got a liger...v2 and 20mm v3...which are fine,..but the cap situation and all the other shit goin on over there at the moment has had me have to rethink my rig....which isn't a bad thing at all.
Ah, I would just give them a call man, that is what I try to do with companies and people. I can chat for a while though and have a lot to relate on and research so it can take some time though heh. I often make a new acquaintance out of it though and learn new stuff. Seems like you've had some bad luck with companies lately from what I saw in other thread! I just try to be persistent. Most places want to make stuff right and details can get lost or forgotten so a reminder is sometimes needed, I know, all our time is valuable and it's nice to get stuff right the first time but/// you know how it is.
Im not going to hound them. I didnt ask for a coupon, they offered it. Its not worth what little discount they will probably give me for me to take time out of my day to call them. Now that its coming out that a bunch of their stuff comes from China (allegedly) I dont know how much more Ill be dealing with them anyway.
You've contributed by sharing your experience!!Long time lurker here, but after being treated in a similar manner I just decided I too would share my experience. I inadvertently forgot to enter the 420 discount code for a recent purchase and I immediately sent them an apologetic email and asked if they could still apply the discount. I sent my email less than 30 seconds after I placed my order. And I admit I was at fault for not entering it, I was in a hurry to get out the door early in the am! D-nail replied they could not do anything once an order was "in process" however they kindly offered a discount code for the amount I would have saved with the 420 discount. I sent them a nice email saying I would like the code, thanked them for their kind offer and again extended my apologies for any inconvenience I created. It's been 10 days now and I still have not heard from them. And like PoopMachine, I am not going to hound them about it, as I was wrong. However, I feel a little disappointed and frustrated with them.
Btw, I just want to thank all who of you who share your knowledge, experience and expertise here. I have nothing to contribute but I have benefited greatly from your participation. Thank you!!!
I'd send another email.
By the way, I was told the multi adapter male is less likely to damage through expansion, and that the dedicated transfers more heat. I'll be testing. People buy and use the adapter way more than dedicated, I'm told.
I suggest getting in contact again brother, politely remind them that they promised you this, but have not yet delivered. IME, they'll make it right when something falls by the wayside.Long time lurker here, but after being treated in a similar manner I just decided I too would share my experience. I inadvertently forgot to enter the 420 discount code for a recent purchase and I immediately sent them an apologetic email and asked if they could still apply the discount. I sent my email less than 30 seconds after I placed my order. And I admit I was at fault for not entering it, I was in a hurry to get out the door early in the am! D-nail replied they could not do anything once an order was "in process" however they kindly offered a discount code for the amount I would have saved with the 420 discount. I sent them a nice email saying I would like the code, thanked them for their kind offer and again extended my apologies for any inconvenience I created. It's been 10 days now and I still have not heard from them. And like PoopMachine, I am not going to hound them about it, as I was wrong. However, I feel a little disappointed and frustrated with them.
Btw, I just want to thank all who of you who share your knowledge, experience and expertise here. I have nothing to contribute but I have benefited greatly from your participation. Thank you!!!
I suggest getting in contact again brother, politely remind them that they promised you this, but have not yet delivered. IME, they'll make it right when something falls by the wayside.
Is there any good material to wrap and insulate the handle? I keep burning myself.