A rare instance where we disagree. I think D-nail is just overpriced all the way around.
As for the price of very low temp, high precision/high accuracy controllers for lab environments....well, that's not to whom they are selling $600 enail controllers. Right?
Actually man, what I said above is that when I was first looking to buy a d-nail, I spoke to their staff and asked their opinion on whether I should get a 1.2 unit or a 2.0 unit and they personally told me themselves that unless I was looking to use the 2.0 unit for other DIY lab purposes as above, or if I was primarily going to use my d-nail in windy environments etc, that the 2.0 is overkill. They were clear that for just e-nail usage, I should get the 1.2 - which I did.
Also it is simply not accurate or reasonable to say that d-nail are overpriced all the way round. Their controllers are more expensive than cheap controllers, sure.
Still, their main focus has been their nail designs for a year or more now. Their SiC/Sapphire offerings (ie: the materials that matter for the purposes of this thread) are some of the CHEAPEST on offer!
I own both a sapphire d-nail and a sapphire liger, and I bought my sapphire halo at retail with a slim series base and d-nail 2.0 carb cap for the same price that I paid for my Liger sapphire insert ALONE! Even if I had bought one of the later runs of sapphire after the price went up $50, I would have gotten a sapphire halo with slim series base with change leftover for the same cost as the Liger insert alone. I am not saying this to bash the Liger guys, but to demonstrate my point. D-nails controllers may be more expensive and in your view over-priced, but if their products are 'overpriced all the way round', where are your criticisms of the considerably more expensive Liger nail pricing?
Now more than ever, I think the argument that all of d-nail's products are somehow the most expensive out there just doesn't hold water. Yes, their controllers are more expensive than a lot of others and in the case of the 2.0, more than almost, if not all others. With that being said, they have set the standard for contemporary nail materials (Sapphire/SiC) and offer some of the cheapest available options for truly next-gen nails going. They are not overpriced 'all the way round'.
If you don't like the prices of their controllers, I get that. If all you wanna run is an e-nail, get a cheaper controller by all means! They'd tell you the same, just like they told me. Noone is twisting anybody's arm to buy a d-nail 2.0 controller and IME d-nail's staff have been far more forthright and helpful in volunteering the above information to me than I would ever expect from somebody with a financial interest in convincing me otherwise!
Basically; I understand where you are coming from, but don't try and tell me that they're over-priced across the board, because it just isn't true IME
Thats my point. It doesnt help that every experience Ive ever had with Dnail has been unpleasant. Missed ship dates, inconsistent information about the products, etc. When I wanted a controller from them after I stupidly gave my Auber away, I asked about a DIY kit. They told me they werent going to be selling them any more so I laid out the extra for an assembled unit. A month later the DIY kits were back on the website. Ive also found their customer service girl to not be very pleasant.
When youre paying a premium, you should be treated as such. If I go into a Mercedes dealership, I dont expect to get treated like I just came into a K-Mart.
See above bro. Your experiences were bad, but I have never, ever experienced or observed any of that stuff except for some isolated instances of inconsistent information that I know others experienced (all during the same period, see below).
I've made many purchases from d-nail directly over many years and had better experiences with them than I've had with the vast majority of vape manufacturers. By the way man, the customer service staff member you refer to has not worked for d-nail for a very long time now (with that being said, I always got outstanding service from this staff member when she was there).
My experience with d-nail's service has always been up to par with the price I have paid. I've gotten much worse service from companies that I've paid more money to for vape stuff!
I am not excusing the things that you said have happened (and not suggesting that you are being anything less than honest and accurate describing what happened to you personally), just saying that by comparison to the other guys out there, I've not had better service from many vape vendors - and I've bought most of the vapes out there and dealt with most e-nail vendors more than once.
I personally found their support to be fine but I have seen multiple cases here where people got different answers (ie the wrong ones) depending on who handled their case. That's a sign of poor training and/or inadequate internal resources like a wiki for reference. Probably doesn't help much that their owner is on the other side of the country. I can't remember any cases where someone was completely SOL but you sometimes have to push them or escalate to get a resolution.
This, also I'll add that in this same period where the customer service rep Poopmachine mentions was still working for d-nail and when the abovementioned crossed wires involving different answers from different people were taking place, this was actually the exact time that the owner and head designer moved to said other side of country!
I think we can all see how the wires got crossed, even if as you say this is clearly inadequate communication of crucial info to customer service staff and not helpful for customers. I can't disagree with that at all. But it was a fleeting issue AFAIK.
Errlectric have a few years of catching up to do in terms of the kinds of nails on offer as we've discussed many times bro
They're also about to be outshone in the 'highest tech e-nail controllers' game with the next generation of controllers heading our way.
I do hope they do something in this regard though, I have always wanted to check out their controllers (and I'm sure they'll have new controller designs that will compete with the abovementioned new generation of controllers, clearly Errlectric have the chops!) but they've never had anything on offer where nails are concerned that I would want to use and they offer no choice to look elsewhere for nails. IMO, if you're gonna have a closed nail ecosystem for your enail controller, you'd better stay on the cutting edge of nail design