I'm with the guys above....Auber RDK-200 or 300 (I have the 300 and don't really use the added features over the 200...well, at least not yet).so i was reading through this thread but it is 129 pages long so i was wondering if there is any clear winner on the cheap enail debate.. i was looking on ebay and it seems the vapecode is most popular there.
any thoughts on this? or any suggestions on something better for a good price?
thanks for the help guys. so this http://www.auberins.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=45&products_id=459 with the flat coil and this nail https://www.thickassglass.com/produ...removable-silicon-carbide-dish-14-18mm-female all for around the same price as my ebay find, perfect! btw what is the difference between the 200 and 300 wondering in case its worth paying a bit more
One more question ... with the auber universal nail ... could u put the SiC dish or quartz dish on it? Like unscrew the titanium top piece that you dab off of ../ and use the dnail SiC dish or any other quartz dish instead
Thank you... I basically want to buy a safe nail that I can switch the dishes on (SiC and titanium) .. is that possible?The threads on that nail will not work with the Dnail SIC dish.
Thank you... I basically want to buy a safe nail that I can switch the dishes on (SiC and titanium) .. is that possible?
That SiC dish from TAG - can you switch dishes? I didn't see a titanium dish on the site.. any help is greatly appreciated
Is titanium basically worthless now? Something about SiC scares me (mainly cause I don't know what if is).D-Nail has several different options with the Halo; a Quartz Dish; SiC dish or the Titanium dish (dunno why you'd want it ..) when you buy the slim series nail the dishes are interchangeable. Lug nut secures the dish to the slim nail and tightens around a flat coil
Then you have a pretty good choice of bases to attach to your glass how you need it.
Is titanium basically worthless now? Something about SiC scares me (mainly cause I don't know what if is).
I appreciate the dnail suggestion ... anything cheaper perhaps? How do you feel about the TAG SiC one? ( I think interchangeable dishes).
I just wanna heat it up really high and rip like two in a row... I figured titanium would be good for that... or is SiC also appropriate?
Sorry last wuestions I promise - thanks though
Thank you... I basically want to buy a safe nail that I can switch the dishes on (SiC and titanium) .. is that possible?
That SiC dish from TAG - can you switch dishes? I didn't see a titanium dish on the site.. any help is greatly appreciated
I own several d-nail slim series bases and they connect perfectly with all of my dropdowns and gongs, from factory made ones to hand worked dropdowns that are worth far more than I'd care to admit. Is there a particular base piece you are having trouble with?The reason I suggest this is because Dnails bases SUCK. I have yet to find a drop down they will fit on. Ive bought like 4 already. The HE nail just fits and working in anything thats not 10mm. If you guy this combination, you will never need anything else.
I own several d-nail slim series bases and they connect perfectly with all of my dropdowns and gongs, from factory made ones to hand worked dropdowns that are worth far more than I'd care to admit. Is there a particular base piece you are having trouble with?
I hate the long threaded centre path of the infiniti (which I also own), which gunks up with more reclaim than any nail that I own. I strongly advise all against the Infiniti and in my experience with multiple slim series bases, have never had problems with them fitting my gongs![]()
Live in the US, have two dropdowns, one m2m from Texas, one f2f from China. My slim base adapters fit in both no problem. Maybe your adapter is mis-machined possibly? I do like the 14m adapter for the slim better though, but the female works fine.
Do you know if dnail dishes would fit this TAG nail? I trust your knowledge lol
...i also...and I emphasize " i " also think the female slim bases of the d-nail are total shit.
I actually think it's a hazard and won't use it...iv had the shit pop off...
Iv tried many,many dropdowns...%85-90% don't seat.
If I use a d-nail set it is on NewVape bodies and rods...i like the way the rod pushes the residue down past my joints...never gets stuck.
....some say the d-nail bases are great,..and they get very little to no reclaim up in there,....
...my findings have been very differant...it's up to 7 small parts including the coil with no diversion for reclaim.
....like I said these are my experiences,...it's pretty obvious results vary.....also,..iv tried this w/ 2 different female bases....same