Woke up with nausea. My wife hates when I wake and bake, so I'll have to take a few tokes on the MFLB.
I get these shots a lot (shoulder, ankle, and knee) rheumatologists love to give them. At your age there is extra concern of cartilage/joint deterioration over the long term as well. Its a cover up not a cure. It becomes a quality of life issue really. If the pain is so bad you can't sleep or put your pants on, well, that motivates you to get it. I don't know how comfortable you are with the steel yet (needles) deeply penetrating your body, slowly, for extended periods of time. Its an acquired taste . . . your doc's level of skill will become evident here quickly, but relief is sure to come, and fairly quickly once done, assuming the drug was properly administered.if it's not improved significantly by then, the next step is a steroid shot. Boo.
I get these shots a lot (shoulder, ankle, and knee) rheumatologists love to give them. At your age there is extra concern of cartilage/joint deterioration over the long term as well. Its a cover up not a cure. It becomes a quality of life issue really. If the pain is so bad you can't sleep or put your pants on, well, that motivates you to get it. I don't know how comfortable you are with the steel yet (needles) deeply penetrating your body, slowly, for extended periods of time. Its an acquired taste . . . your doc's level of skill will become evident here quickly, but relief is sure to come, and fairly quickly once done, assuming the drug was properly administered.
Survivor of 1 half dozen Rotator cuff repairs.
Shocking how much the shoulder does for us... is it not?
Be strong....heel fast!
Every single morning. Nauseous, but hungry. I find drinking water helps normalize the stomach sometimes but not always. .
Were it not for vaping I don't know how I could cope with it.
Yeeeeeeep, that weird vortex in your stomach that makes you think you're hungry, and once you've spent 20 minutes making breakfast, you sit down to take a bite, and before the food even makes it into your mouth... everything just shuts down. My first "meal" of the day isn't usually for a solid 3 hours after I wake up.
Have you tried Ensure/Carnation breakfast? When I used to get bad I'd grab one from the mini fridge in my room and sip it. Just a little it at a time, but after an hour or so I would have drank it all. I was told by more than one person that the Carnation breakfast is just about the same thing as Ensure, but Ensure ended up more expensive because of the mixing, bottles, etc, whereas Carnation is the same thing, but in pre-mixed powder.
Phenergan doesn't cut it for you? I had that appointment on Monday, I asked my rheumatologist if there was anything I could get instead of Phenergan/promethazine because it made me sleepy, he said it was pretty much the gold standard and the best thing he felt comfortable prescribing on the spot, he was a little hesitant to give me Zofran as he said he considered it a "heavy-duty" nausea drug with side effects more serious than something a cup of coffee can fix. And on top of that, he said a fair bit of the patients he sees, couldn't get it filled because it was prohibitively expensive, whereas promethazine I can get $5 a bottle of 90, versus $18-20 a piece for the Zofran.
The only thing I don't like about Phenergan is how sleepy it makes me... last time I used it was two and a half weeks ago, a few days past the initial shoulder pain. Woke up, felt like hell, lidocaine patch, reach for my Vicodin... stomach wasn't having it, so I had to put it down and basically force a Phenergan down my throat in bits while vaping, hoping it would hit in <10mi to hold me over while the meds start to work. Lay back down in bed, prop my legs up, try to get comfortable with a bit of calm music.... and then I woke up again. At 1. It was only 7am when I woke up at first, but I wasted half a day because I just fell back asleep and the Phenergan kept me asleep. This is the biggest problem with me. Take less, doesn't work that well, take enough, get real sleepy, can't drink coffee with it because whenever I take it I have nausea and want nothing in my stomach. And like you, I haven't told my guy that I'm onboard with a recommendation. I explained it to my mom that I'm already far too young to have what I have, and far too young to be getting the amount of opiates I get. 20 year olds shouldn't be able to see a doctor on an emergency basis, a doctor they've never seen in their life before, and walk out less than 10 minutes later with three prescriptions. They shouldn't be able to just have a random doctor look over their medical files, then try to flatten my hand, cause me to tighten up from the pain, and then say "okay... so which painkillers have you tried, and which one works best for you?" I coulda said anything! Gimme Dilaudid, doc! Prescribe me a beautiful nurse to come home with me and give me drugs! Instead I went with the weakest thing that I thought would for sure work, and walked out with 30 Vicodins. Not 24 hours later, I see my specialist, walk out with 100x 10mg Norcos (the yellow Qualitests, in the manufacturer bottle straight off the shelf lol) and he's reminding me that if they don't work out for me, to give his secretary a call and that I'll have a special emergency visit penciled in, "even if that means you coming in on lunch break."
I'm scared that if I tell him, he'll think I'm exaggerating the pain for drugs, I'm afraid that I'll be labeled as a drug seeker and blacklisted. I'm at the point now where I really WANT to not get this stuff, but I can't do it without it anymore. Like I said, it's no longer an addiction thing. Hell, I've maintained since Monday on nothing more than a single 5mg Vicodin per day! Medical helps me immensely sometimes, and not too much other times, but I'm at the point now where I'll take any relief. "Getting hungry" and "getting a dry mouth" along with "giggle fits when viewing silly YouTube videos" are much more manageable side effects compared to the side effects (terrible nausea/upset stomach/constipation/lethargy) I get from the other stuff I'm prescribed. He's actually done a fair amount of bloodwork, and he might have already ran drug tests without telling me (if that's even allowed?) so it may not even be an issue since he sees that I haven't asked for a raise in dosage or strength in the 8 weeks that I've been on Vicodin now. Hoping I can keep it this way until Christmas time, and then see where we go from there. Hell, I'm just trying to make it to Halloween, got a pumpkin to carve damnit!
Hope you feel better, Vicki. I know how crippling nausea can be, I've seen my sister throw up and cry from her migraines... I haven't offered her the chance to try MMJ yet because she isn't even 16, plus my mom urged me to keep my MMJ use on the very down-low, she said it was kind of a big jump for her to go from not knowing, to knowing, without letting anyone else know about it. My dad's family is... very traditional, and the less problems we have, the easier things are. That, plus the fact that my sister considers herself "straightedge" makes it a somewhat interesting subject. I don't really want her to get high, just better. Migraines tormented me for most of my high school life, which was coincidentally spent smoking copious amounts. I think maybe subconsciously my body felt more "normal" and I liked the feeling of normalcy more than the high.
I've given this a lot of thought, and have come to the conclusion that even though I am miserable some/most days, and there are often times that I do really feel like giving up (almost like I can justify not trying anymore), I'm happy that I can still experience. I still breathe, and I still see, and I still live. And most of the times, it's the little things, the quick glimpses that make it all worth it. This was standing on the patio yesterday afternoon from my house. As soon as I got in bed at 1am, not 30 seconds later, the rain started to fall. Fell asleep vaping, listening to some tunes, letting the rain lull me to sleep. Today, I woke up earlier than I had intended, but got to make a fresh perfect cup of coffee, and if all goes well I'll be having dinner with my coworkers/friends and going to downtown afterwards. I think I can make it through tonight, they all know I use medical responsibly (ie, not walking into work stoned as f) and would totally understand if I had a quick sesh before going to dinner. Hell, my best friend from work is going to be my designated drinker tonightI wish neither one of us had to go through this.![]()
I have been given Phenergan Suppositories on a number of occasions.
They are on cocoa butter so must be refridgerated...
(takes action before you can pull up your shorts!)
I am sorry you all have to be so familiar with these drugs.