That's why I am here.. To focus, and talk about vapor with others needing relief.Beezleb said:Nausea is daily and constant jailer for me. It hits me in two main ways. It either comes on slow and gains much strength to just instantly hitting which will make me gag and heave to vomit. For what it is worth, I have a form of ALS, I am doing very well now.
I have been on my death bed 4 times. Been read last rites 2ce. I am still kicking and frankly I am nearly normal today, just a weak personnow but that can change anytime and each day I get is another day I was gifted. I also cannot take pain pills as they make me ill as well. We have been similar footsteps.
The trick is to find things to maintain your spirits. For some its hobby, work, games, learning, reading, what have you. I used to speak on vaporizers to terminally/serious ill people but have not done that in quite some time.
Keep on, keeping on and be well.
I spent the 4 years prior to MMJs legalization in my state working in Second Life, helping others with Brain Injury, as a form of both distraction... and for a feeling of self worth.
Thoughts about Second Life
I speak as you did with terminally ill patients, and provide them to those in financial need.
We would make a pretty devoted team, it appears!
You and your intestinal fortitude are in my heart and prayers!