Nausea: The Monster


Beezleb said:
Nausea is daily and constant jailer for me. It hits me in two main ways. It either comes on slow and gains much strength to just instantly hitting which will make me gag and heave to vomit. For what it is worth, I have a form of ALS, I am doing very well now.

I have been on my death bed 4 times. Been read last rites 2ce. I am still kicking and frankly I am nearly normal today, just a weak person :rolleyes: now but that can change anytime and each day I get is another day I was gifted. I also cannot take pain pills as they make me ill as well. We have been similar footsteps.

The trick is to find things to maintain your spirits. For some its hobby, work, games, learning, reading, what have you. I used to speak on vaporizers to terminally/serious ill people but have not done that in quite some time.

Keep on, keeping on and be well.
That's why I am here.. To focus, and talk about vapor with others needing relief.
I spent the 4 years prior to MMJs legalization in my state working in Second Life, helping others with Brain Injury, as a form of both distraction... and for a feeling of self worth.
Thoughts about Second Life
I speak as you did with terminally ill patients, and provide them to those in financial need.
We would make a pretty devoted team, it appears!
You and your intestinal fortitude are in my heart and prayers!


Vapor Sloth
Well I decided to take another one of those cherry things this morning. Popped it before my shower and I have to say this is working well. I am actually able to function well today. I still won't eat until tonight but at least I am functional and not drooling into the bowl. Thanks again Vito and happy New Year to everyone! :party:



Herbal Alchemist
t-dub said:
Well I decided to take another one of those cherry things this morning. Popped it before my shower and I have to say this is working well. I am actually able to function well today. I still won't eat until tonight but at least I am functional and not drooling into the bowl. Thanks again Vito and happy New Year to everyone! :party:


Glad to hear you're feeling better. :)


Vapor Sloth
Thanks Vicki, pharmaceuticals never really impress me much, in fact they bother me a great deal, but for now this one seems to be working. We will see how it does on the trip. Ironic that I am going on a cruise where one of the main attractions is the FOOD! :lol:

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Wow t-dub... that is hopeful!!
I talked to my doc about it briefly today, to get his views
He was concerned about serotonin "manipulation" because of my brain injury.. and sugessted I stick with my program... but he did say there has been claims of great success with Ondansetron.
Be well... vape well... and medicate often, t-dub.... you've friends right here!


Vapor Sloth
Thanks Vito, my friend. Just wanted to give an update on the Ondansetron. This is a powerful serotonin modifier and should not be taken lightly. Taking this stuff puts my tummy into "neutral" so for emergency use, like on a trip or if I am out, is fine (I keep an emergency one in that little extra pocket in my Levi's) but I absolutely do not see this drug as a daily driver or long term solution either . . . but its another tool (limited) in the box.
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I too can vouch for the strength of Ondansetron and its generic counterpart. The taste reminds of that of suboxon too much however :puke: That nasty shit. One night I drank on the stuff despite the warning and got very drowsy obviously.
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Active Member
Vitolo, do you find that smoking calms down your nausea faster or more effectively?

I have crohns disease so nausea is a big part of my life, and i find that sometimes smoking just one hit alleviates my problems faster than bowls of vaporizing


There was a point a long whole back, that I actually thought this was the case.
Upon first hit, I felt alleviation of nausea, and with vapor, it took 3 good pulls.
There was a contradiction though...
15- 30 minutes after the smoke inhalation, I would get nauseated again.... when I would cough, and the phlegm would rise from my lungs.. and then get stuck at the back of my tongue.
Now that I am totally smoke free, I do not cough or have the phlegm, and a couple hits of vapor clears my nausea.... with no repercussions after 30 minutes!
Thank you Vitolo for your story.
I was diagnosed with leukemia while in the hospital, and nausea is no joke. In between the chemo and the stress of constant IM shots, blood work, blood transfusions, spinal taps, and bone marrow biopsies, nausea was m biggest struggle. I would get one meal, usually breakfast, and then nausea would hit. Every day was focused around getting enough nutrition into my body, and keeping it in. I went from 63 kilos to 58 kilos in one week. 58 to 54 the next. I was very lucky to be released after the 2nd week after my blood counts stabilized. Now at home, I can medicate as needed. AND my weight has stabilized and actually began to increase.

I feel your pain and anger at a society that stigmatizes people who seek medicine for debilitating diseases and conditions that are outside some people's acceptable ranges. I see injustice and hypocrisy of a system that tells me marijuana is illegal and has no medical benefits, yet is willing to subject me to the pit falls of prescription pain killers. I live in South Dakota, so the only alternatives to my pain and nausea seems to be expensive opiates and really expensive Zofran for nausea, which does nothing to help me.

The biggest danger to our society are ignorance, fear, and a lack of compassion. When these 3 combine, you have people so stubborn in their ways they will never change. People who persecute others simply because the other's values are different and they seek alternative pathways in life. I am told its for my own good. How can anyone know whats for my own good in dealing with the side effects of chemo? Even my doctor does not know the specific side effects I will undergo. For every chemo drug I take (about 5 now) There are 3-6 main side effects possible, with 2-4 secondary side effects. Some do more, some do less, some give me abdominal cramps, some give me headaches for 3-4 days after I get them. Nausea seems to be the only consistent side effect listed on all of them.

But I can't get my medicine legally here. I am unjustly forced to obtain it illegally, from medical states or otherwise. And don't get me started on Marinol, I have ranted enough on here. Just wanted to let you know that I agree with you, and my frustration is high.

On a side note - I never mentioned that Marijuana's main benefit to me could be mentally. I don't have suicidal thoughts anymore because I really enjoy my life now that I have proper medicine and can be around my family. I don't fear my disease anymore. I have really low anxiety, stress, and I am motivated to do things in my life like garden, cook, read, see my friends and family! Lets see pain killers do that.


I too can vouch for the strength of Ondansetron and its generic counterpart. The taste reminds of that of suboxon too much however :puke: That nasty shit. One night I drank on the stuff despite the warning and got very drowsy obviously.

Ah, another opiate aficionado. I rather liked the taste of Suboxone (and clonazepam had a neat minty taste to it too) although my only experience with it was sublingual administration of 2mg's, 1mg at a time, in under an hour, and with no opiate tolerance I might add. Let's just say I spent the next 7 hours praying to the porcelain gods for forgiveness :doh:

Anyways, after finally fighting with doctors for 8 years, I was taken seriously last year by my new doctor. I'm currently prescribed tramadol, meloxicam, methylprednisolone, and sumatriptan. The last two I don't take regularly. Well, at least not the methylprednisolone, I get migraines more often than anyone should be so I get the sumatriptan for it. Anyways, the great/shitty thing about tramadol and meloxicam is that they can effectively kill all my joint pain, but the tramadol can give me some of the most crippling nausea I've ever felt in my life. I mean, full on throwing up, crying, can't eat all day, etc. My mom said my face looks thinner/more prominent cheekbones after I got it prescribed. It's either that, or I have really bad joint pain (giggle) and migraines. Gimme a few trams, a trench or three of a nice indica, and a cup of coffee! I can take the day on like that, or even just substituting the tramadol and meloxicam for a couple 600mg gabapentins. The nausea is horrible and I know what it's like. I can't tell you how many mornings I've wasted away laying in bed after taking my meds and the nausea ruining everything until mid-afternoon.

Anyways, Zofran wouldn't really work with my tramadol because of how both drugs are metabolized. The Zofran would render the tramadol less effective, and I don't really want to add another pill to my stash. Too many for a 20 year old, I'd say.


Blue Dream
That is what is good for Nausea...
and Spicy White Devil.
I am sorry pal. When you younger patients are nauseated... it comes from a less experienced point of reference, and is totally a shattering experience. You have been taught all your youth that things happen as a result of our actions... and ...WTF?... What the hell did I do wrong???
Hang in there bud.
Hang tight~


Banned for life
I stumbled on this thread searching nausea. First Vito, props for your are a very talented writer. I'm so happy that cannabis makes it tolerable.

I'm just wondering (and this is why i was searching), I ONLY get nausea (never had it before) REALLY BAD when i abstain from cannabis. I mean my appetite plummets, and the nausea is to the point of throwing up, but not actually being able to do it. It only comes in waves and then goes away, and I empathize greatly because it's one of the worst feelings ever.

I'm not insuiting this in your case obviously, but sometimes things that cannabis is good for like insomnia and nausea, actually causes it from withdrawl. There is a good article on marijuana the cause or cure for insomnia, something along those lines. Perhaps if I used it medicinally instead of abusing it recreationally, I wouldn't be in this stupid situation.

Thanks for all your contributions Vito, you are definitely the man!
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There is a good chance that you already had some colon... stomache.... gastritic issue before, and use of Cannabis may have mellowed the presence and hidden this.
Rather than being the cause through abuse in your case... I would be much more prone to believe that you had intestinal sensitivities to begin with and your recreational use was "self medicating" without your awareness~


Banned for life
Thanks Vito, but the nausea always goes away after a week or so. I'm a very healthy and active guy in all other aspects. But I appreciate your point. happy 4.20 bro
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My Doctor was here with me and read your post. He concluded that since the nausea goes away after a week or two, that you are likely very relaxed when on MMJ... and when you stop, your stress levels rise, causing duodenal symptoms. After an adjustment period, you adapt and control the stress through other subconscious coping behaviors.
His purpose in putting forth these ideas... is....because he read your post, and thinks it wise to "let yourself off the hook" as far as the causes of your discomfort!
(referring to:"Perhaps if I used it medicinally instead of abusing it recreationally, I wouldn't be in this stupid situation.")


Banned for life
Vitolo, my gawd THANK YOU soooooooooooooooooo fricken much!!! And please thank your Dr. for me. I very much understand and agree with this assessment as i'm a naturally hypervigilant guy who suffers greatly from insomnia which is predominately shift work /lifestyle/genetically induced. I've now been awake for 5 days straight with maybe 30 mins- hour sleep/ night. I know it's due to withdrawl and stress/cortisol levels going through the roof. Perhaps if I vaped just enough to sleep at night this wouldn't happen, but i've already read countless reports that even for those that get in the "habit" of that, can't sleep without it.

I will take the advice, and use it medicinally when REALLY needed, like being awake for 5 days lol Unfortunately my Solo (only vape at the moment) is at Arizer for warranty so I will have to suck it up for a few more sleepless nights. I love the cleansing of metabolites from my body though so even though I literally feel like i'm going to die, I think the break is good for now. I just guess that tapering is MUCH better than cold turkey.

Thanks again, you don't know how meaningful that simple little post from you was.


Psychic Medium/Vaporist
Rest, vape4life...
Let the world turn without you tonight.....
Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax... think of nothing tonight~ (jesus Christ Superstar:"Everything's Allright")

Oh Vito, thank you for this gentle reminder about inner peace!
Let's all vape our way to health and happiness! I am raising my stem to all!

Have a great day!


Banned for life
Vapour abuse is what got me in this predicament. I FINALLY got a few hours last night (1am-5am), but still completely soaked the sheets with sweat, but it's getting better. Still, compared to the last 5 days I feel alot better, and especially with respect to "ease of breathing". I can't even believe how much money i'm saving.

Now, I can NEVER fall into this glutonous trap again, and will never wake and vape again (kills my motivation). Any tips to help me respect this magnificant medicine without falling into a major dependency/addiction again?
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Vapour abuse is what got me in this predicament. I FINALLY got a few hours last night (1am-5am), but still completely soaked the sheets with sweat, but it's getting better. Still, compared to the last 5 days I feel alot better, and especially with respect to "ease of breathing". I can't even believe how much money i'm saving.

Now, I can NEVER fall into this glutonous trap again, and will never wake and vape again (kills my motivation). Any tips to help me respect this magnificant medicine without falling into a major dependency/addiction again?
You just said the words yourself.. that will help you. ".....will never wake and vape again (kills my motivation)". If you have pinpointed the cause of the trouble.. and have come before us here and spoken these thoughts... then you are on your path to being the way you would prefer to be.
With great respect for you.. for recognizing this... and with even greater respect for the "herb superb"...
wake and vape may not be the lifestyle for you! Perhaps the days of youthful glee, and not attending to "duties" upon awakening are gone... and perhaps there are pressures that you NEED to attend to .. and your conscience has produced physical manifestations to alert you to your current needs.
In any event.... I am pleased at the fact that you do not blame MMJ for this, but rather Vapor Abuse.
It is a fine line where "use" ends and "abuse" begins, but we all are different, and it looks like you have a handle on this!
Proud to know you vape4life~
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