Bad Dog
Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Been back and forth with micro dosing but always return to it and it's nice saving money and stretching my stash but those aren't my main reason. I enjoy a bigger session here and there but it's no longer my preference for everyday and I'm more looking for feeling better without being wasted all the time. Been changing up my routine lately, taking 10mg thc in edible oil in the morning which helps get rid of the urge to vape throughout the day, then around 4-5pm I start vaping but I only take a couple whispy hits then put the vape away, not finishing the bowl and again in a hour or so and so on taking 4 hours or so to finish one .05 load of high THC bud ! Feeling satisfied the whole time and not having any more but I take another 10-20mg oil at bedtime. Been doing this for a bit and it's been really great, I'm not vaping in the middle of the night even if I do wake up to use the bathroom or something and I'm still able to get back in bed. I'll be keeping this up for the next while since it's working so well
tomorrow I might try my bunk weed instead of the high THC and see what that's like, I could vape 4 bowls and only get the same amount of thc as 1 bowl of the high stuff LoL but I'm still going to try and show some restraint. Feel like I'm really getting to know my meds........