It's been great reading all these recent posts from other microdosers... their experiences, feedback and advice; thx for all the contributions. This thread is inspiring and I can always use more inspiration. I'm still plugging away, vaping, microdosing and need to pay it forward and contribute again...
I haven't posted in this thread for a while as I've slowly let my microdosing amounts creep up. Oh well, (s%)it happens

(and frankly, I was lazy in taking the time to put this all together

). Still, I take a break every week from Monday through Thursday and vape Friday-Sun and have been very successful in keeping my tolerance very low overall.
On a typical Friday, two 0.05 gram fresh cannabis vaping loads gives me 8-10 hrs of powah

, a very strong high.... plus unfortunately a very poor sleep

(I vape my best strong sativas on Friday and they're extremely cerebrally stimulating). I can tell the next day (Saturday) that my tolerance is already building and the vaping effects aren't as pronounced (especially with sativa entourage effects). Same thing again for Sunday... and at this point Friday's experience and f/x are a fair ways different.
I've still been good at sticking with vaping small amounts of cannabis at a time, 0.05 grams or less in my case. By trying to keep the total amount in the vaporizer low at all times, I've found it easier to keep my cannabis use and tolerance low. I definitely recommend anyone looking to lower their cannabis use start by trying that... using smaller amounts in every fresh vape bowl. It also allows me to sample different strains more often. Win win.
I've also lost some of the entourage effects of cannabis as my tolerance has crept up a little.. and it's been that way for a number of months from my last posts here. I'd really like to get those f/x back much more consistently, but it hasn't been significant enough a loss as to make me take a t-break yet

. Could be I have some genetic sensitivity to cannabis as well; my tolerance is so low that I can easily get into a near stupor from excessive THC vaping, fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the middle of the night Saturday/Sunday on the family room couch. It probably helps having some great Canadian cannabis

It's amazing how quickly tolerance builds, and as a low tolerance microdoser user it's become very striking. Even one more day of vaping is a big deal to effects/potency/tolerance . For example, recently over the holiday season I enjoyed an extra day of vaping (with one less concurrent break day), twice, and that not only manifested in even less effects during that extra 4th day, but it also manifested in less effects/potency in the first vape session after the subsequent shorter weekly break. Furthermore, it always cascades into added sessions through the rest of the weekend as well... to try to get to that familiar high...
"chasing the dragon". And whenever I've tried an extra day vaping, over years now I've consistently seen the same results.
Keeping my tolerance so low has been great for vaping experiences, but frankly it has at times also resulted in needing some recovery time during the week (tiredness and catching up on sleep). I'd like to smooth out what has felt like a rollercoaster ride at times (week to week and so to speak).
I've been wanting to reset my tolerance with a 2-4 week break for months now (and get back to more entourage effects)... but haven't bothered yet as my tolerance is still low and microdosing still takes me very far

. I hope to make more of an effort soon on a t-break, and I think I will try to take one in February or March. I like that idea, in preparation for spring/summer and the non-snow active season here

@robbie, microdosing 0.10 grams a day is totally reachable and can be very powerful in my experience (in combination with a low tolerance). No log needed either, though I use a premium vaporizer. I've had many Friday-Sunday posts on FC over the last months where my grammar, syntax and spelling goes to

because I'm so high

Thx, keep up the good work and posting everyone! Microdosing totally brings the goods

. Have a great Friday and weekend.