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5 th week to stay @ home
It gets harder every day to keep on microdosing. The voice in my head want more
It gets harder every day to keep on microdosing. The voice in my head want more

I know very little about medical cannabis and different countries have their own systems in any case. It seems to me that cannabis comes into its own category somewhere around wellness and health and often those who use it habitually claim some medicinal effect. This medical effect from reading many reports relates to some kind of balance (and the endocannibinoid system regulates chemical balance in the human body, is my understanding, so theres some wider symbolism) and much of the demonisation it's recieved has probably done more harm than good.
Recreationally I've had some success microdosing, it was calming and was able to maintain sharp.
hemp seeds are very healthy!!! lot of proteins also.the phytocannabinoids in the plant bio-mimic our endogenous forms ... that is how we identified the endocanabinoid system ... also, the omega fatty acids in diet build up in peoples cells to later signal as endocanabinoids . we would receive that from ingesting hemp seeds ETC....
Hi my name is Bad Dog and I’m a micro doser.......... I’ve always been a smaller dose user for the most part aside from a nightly j. I’ve been vaping for almost 2 years and have been trending down in the amount of Bud I use ever since almost entirely switching to vaping. When I smoked I was a g-g1/2 daily user, basically smoking .1 every 30 minutes to a hour and a j at bedtime. Then I picked up a crafty which wasn’t a terrible first vape but I had issues with it, first the bowl was bigger then I wanted to use at one time aside from bedtime so I started half packing it and found my consumption Plateaued at around a g. I continued on that way for a while but was never completely satisfied with my crafty so I started watching YouTube videos and reading forums, came across the Dynavap and and liked its load size and thought it might come in handy for when the crafty was charging Which was frequently. Picked up a used 2019 m and instantly fell in love it pretty much replaced all my crafty use. Found the dynavap to hit harder and quicker but really enjoying my new toy I didn’t immediately cut back. I kept reading and watching and heard about how vaping helps people cut back and micro dosing but not really giving it to much thought until my session got interrupted and I didn’t finish the bowl. After I returned to finish the bowl I realized I was pretty buzzed already so I decided to keep splitting up my session and found it agreed with me and I cut back to .5-.7 daily. I picked up a IH and switched away from high temp hits to more lower temp hits allow me to further split up my bowl. I’m now down to .25-.3 a day with the additional purchase of a Weedeater for the most satisfying bong rips I’ve had yet. The only time I smoke is when I go to my cousins house and bringing my vape and it accompanied accessories is a hassle, taste aside I still enjoy the effects of smoking. Now that I’ve cut back to what I found to be a better dose I’m trying to eliminate daytime vaping but it’s a slow process. I still like a macro dose a few times a week and the occasional dab, doesn’t effect my tolerance much if I keep it in check. Every time I cut back after a initial adjustment period I’m surprised at how high I am getting.
a few sources = Chlorella , spirulina are two green based omega sources ... Flax seed oil , Hemp seed oil ... But, Small cold water fish likes sardines are one of the best sources ... the packaging helps preserve N-3 in the sardine cans but still fresh @ the source like whales do it is the best N-3 anywhere from Krill ... you can too get Krill too as an N-3 supplement , it is expensive but probably some of the better N-3 available ... it is a challenge to get correct proportions now a days as most mainstream foods are 20/50 to 1 N-6 to N-3 . way more inflammatory causing N-6 in foods than N-3 ..I read the peppercorn trick somewhere in the thread and found it interesting and will have to give it a try both ways might come in handy though mostly to increase. I thought I also read omega 3 is good for thc absorbing but I don’t take any supplements, refuse to buy the eggs guess it’s just proof positive I need to eat more fish
Aren’t those some of the main ingredients of that organafin green juice I keep seeing ads on YouTube? I actually considered grabbing one to try but thought it can’t possibly be as good as they claim.a few sources = Chlorella , spirulina are two green based omega sources
Brisling sardines packed in olive oil are my favourite but for small fresh fish I like lake smeltBut, Small cold water fish likes sardines are one of the best sources ..
smelt fish N-3 content link out to different sources https://seafood.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/snic/omega-3-content-in-fish.pdfAren’t those some of the main ingredients of that organafin green juice I keep seeing ads on YouTube? I actually considered grabbing one to try but thought it can’t possibly be as good as they claim.
Brisling sardines packed in olive oil are my favourite but for small fresh fish I like lake smelt
One dose a day? What are you supposed to do an hour or two later, when it's all faded away?
Of course each person is different and my tolerance is very low. Yet my personal experience concurs with your statement @invertedisdead... The effect of one dose ( more or less .02g ) lingers a long time and can be 'felt' for almost 24h. I should add that this is with a VapCap, perfect vape for microdosingThat’s the appeal - the effects aren’t gone in an hour or two when truly microdosing.... how much more powerful that .05g bowl would feel in a single daily session versus doing that “Micro dose” twenty times per day. I guess what I am trying to say is excessive microdosing dilutes the true nature of what the microdosing experience is.