Hi mate hope you're doing well and now this is something I have experienced great variation with recently by using a different cap not all caps are equal in their performance.With the DV, how many draws per heat cycle would you do?
Is it kind of like instead of going for one big massive draw, you take it in multiples till the cool down click?
Also, when you say that you get higher from lower temps, is it a more energetic high or do you still get the full spectrum of effects?
I have been using for several years what I have now discovered to be a fairly low temp cap where I need to be quite aggressive with the torch and I'm never afraid of going half a second faster click in order to get bigger hits and to finish a load in 3 hits is practically unthinkable unless I'm really sticking it right down into the heaviest flame at the bottom of the cap.
I get 5 to 8 hits per full load, when Im not trying to stretch it out. Just finish it fairly swiftly but I generally go for the biggest hits which are smooth and not too roasted I don't want the load to stay green forever but I also don't want it to be dark brown after the second hit nowhere close.
But with this other caps I have used it takes about 3 times as long for the cool down click to come and it can come bus to more easily and also gives much bigger hits with the same heating technique. The extraction of the load is much faster with this one but the Vapour is harsher and I have to concentrate more to not combust will get really big dance hits which are too much for my chest.
Show the variation in the caps can make quite a few differences with regard to the Vapour quality and and amount and density and more that I can't think to express at this moment.
Took a load of acid just recentlbut amazingly well feelomg after 900ug over 24 hours wednesday to last night. I mean, I feel hammered from it now still but that will be completely worn off in a few days and I'll be feeling right as rain again.

I have an appointment to see my amazing homeopath on Tuesday for a full diagnosis of so many things going on right now and truly genuinely effective prescribed vibrational homoeopathic remedies for each specific situation and problem including my stomach helicobacter pylori infection and severe gastritis which I'm unable to treat because Of My Extreme intolerance to medicines, and even more so the millions of natural remedies and herbs and antimicrobials which I could otherwise resort to myself in order to clear the infection, heal the guts and and eliminate the information.
But believe it or not and Mark my words people this lady will be able to give me homoeopathic medicine which will do all of this and more without me needing the damaging and toxic prescription medicines which I cannot tolerate for one day regardless.
So I will be able to make some substantial progress all around but also the home you have will diagnose and treat my anxiety and depression which actually has massive physical basis and evidence when it comes to Reading the body to do with the nervous system and emotions are kind of physical much more than we realise.
So I will be on a break from my acid tripping and have enjoyed some heavy indulgence of late. Perfect timing for a 4-week course of homoeopathy and cleaning up my all round act in the process.
I will come out the other side of the medicine in a a radically improved all round state.