The positive stories and feedback here are great and appreciated. I also find it an excellent reminder to keep plugging away on the microdosing journey.
It's been an interesting two months or so since I last posted here. I have been continuing to adjust a variable or two at a time in my vaping routine and evaluating outcomes. Here's my latest observations and feedback.
In seeking a return to some of my most impressive cannabis experiences, over the holiday season (Christmas and New Years) I ended up indulging in larger amounts of fresh flower cannabis than during my previous microdosing. Unfortunately, I didn't really get the returns I was striving for. While I did find that, in general, THC effects increased, the entourage strain effects I enjoy most didn't meet my hopes and best past experiences (e.g., euphoria with sativas). At higher doses, I found the additional THC effects sedative and depressant in nature as well, which is not what I aim for (YMMV). These results remind me of the biphasic dose-response phenomenon, which Dr. Sulak describes in his microdosing tutorials (linked here earlier). High dose sedative effects have been happening to me for a while now (with my low tolerance and high sensitivity). At times, I've found the highest amounts/doses and THC effects stupor-like.
In January, I was away from home for nearly two weeks with no vaping or routine (though I did combust some small amounts of cannabis for the first time in a long time). When I made it back home, I went back to my regular vaping routine (weekly breaks and vaping Fri-Sun) and decided to recommit and go back to more dedicated microdosing. These efforts included changing back smaller amounts of cannabis as well as clamping down on additional bowls later in the evening, which I have long suspected of being unhelpful (in achieving the best experiences and keeping tolerance low).
I also recently picked up a weigh scale that measures to 0.001 grams and have been able to more accurately determine my cannabis vaping consumption than before. It's an $18 US example on Amazon and I'm satisfied with it so far.
So far the microdosing re-commitment results have been excellent. My cannabis vaping experiences have been as great and strong as I typically strive and hope for, the sedative effects from high dosing are absent, and I've been able to enjoy more significant entourage effects again. Decreasing doses to increase effects sounds counter-intuitive and it's hard to not want to indulge, but again and again these experiences remind me that less can mean more
In this latest round of microdosing, I've been vaping variable amounts (of 62% Boveda mason jar stored fresh cannabis) in the range of 0.010 to 0.050 grams per bowl, and targeting a limit of two to three bowls in a day and 0.10 grams total in any one day. 0.10 grams total in a day typically gives me 10 hours or more of strong effects (on the first day after a break) and if it's a strong sativa I don't get a very good sleep either
. And, while high indica content cannabis helps sedate me into sleep... unfortunately it's not as restful sleep as it could be either (with low REM periods).
Using my new scale, I was able to ground-truth my previous posts with cannabis weight estimates and it turns out I was overestimating my cannabis intake in my older FC posts by 33-40% or so
. And a number of times I've previously posted about effectively vaping what turns out to be in-the-range-of 0.01 grams fresh flower cannabis (i.e., enjoying the effects).
It seems I'm very sensitive to cannabis
, low amounts are very potent
. These strong effects are why I've been seeking a better cannabis - life balance for months now.
My current plan is to try to build up a few more months of repetitive use and observations and see how the latest round of microdosing is going.
I look forward to the experiences and feedback of others trying microdosing here.