@biohacker just curious are you vaping the CBD? When I vaped flower CBD the effects were mild. It had a great synergy with THC - as you describe - and also that it changes your THC strain's properties in unexpected ways. Basically if you took THC strain "X" along with CBD flower, THC strain X wouldn't feel like strain X anymore, now it's like some other random strain. This isn't a bad thing per se. You could even have a THC strain you got but discovered you weren't a fan of - too strong/not strong enough, or whatever reason. Add CBD flower to it and ta-da, maybe it will "transmog"

into something you will really like!!
I'm now using CBD tinctures and avoid using THC when on the tincture because idk how the tincture affects me yet. Sometimes when I take the tincture and THC, I get effects I'm expecting, other times they're too muted, etc, just kind of inconsistent but I think it's just my hesitance to meld the THC high than anything else to be honest. Just need to experiment with the tincture itself fully first and understand how it works individually
I want to come back to CBD flower in the future though. It felt more holistic overall when paired with THC, albeit much shorter lasting than the tinctures. If used in isolation, the flower CBD seemed to last maybe 30 minutes. The effects of the tincture in isolation lasts a lot longer, I know that much, but due to how... invisible.. CBD effects are I can't even tell when it wears off. But about 2 hours after taking the tincture I certainly feel more at ease for about 2-3 hours. 30 minutes from the CBD flower in isolation just wasn't worth it for me. But combined with THC, I think flower>tincture.
Plus sometimes you just really want something immediate and a tincture won't provide that since it takes a while to work. So if you have daily mild anxiety that spurs up a couple times during the day.. by the time the tincture will work, your anxiety would be gone on its own and now you kind of wasted the tincture dose...
I've been meaning to take the tincture, wait 2 hours, then take THC, but really I mainly use THC like a baby's pacifier "oh shit I don't feel great, going to take a couple hits", so the tincture just doesn't come in play much since THC on its own totally makes my anxiety disppear no problem with way more certainty and reliability, and CBD just provides a more mellow, alert experience when combined with THC. But now I the tincture 3 times a day as a preventive measure and then THC as needed/desired during the day.
This combo works well for me and I feel if my future workplace were to drug test, I'd be pretty OK not having THC and only using CBD tinctures. I'd say it's a 'gud enuf' alternative to THC for some purposes. CBD flower without THC? Not even worth the $cost and harsh smoke and flavor CBD flower provides, IMO
Still dying to test legitimate CBD/THC strains like Pennywise, instead of mixing my own, though! One day
rambling post. oh well