Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, stepping down gradually is the way to go. I'm doing this whilst gradually increasing CBD flower consumption. I only spring for CBD that has 0.1%THC MAX verified by a lab- by itself, not enough to make me feel high. This has actually make stepping down enjoyable. I'm down to blending 0.02 of THC flower with anywhere from 0.02-0.05 of CBD and it feels great.I'm still early in the microdose journey but really impressed with my experience. I have been slowly decreasing my cannabis use from week to week without affecting the experience very much. And after a number of weeks now, I'm consistently down somewhere to about 1/5 the amount in a bowl compared to my previous cannabis use. And I've sampled even lower amounts down to 1/8 or less with impressive results.
After spending a number of weeks slowly ratcheting down my dose and trying small amounts I felt like going with a little more indulgent experience for a change and found the right time for it. I bumped the dose a little (from 1/5 as mentioned earlier to 1/4 of previous high dosing). That bump combined with the first use after the weekly break brought a very impressive and potent experience. It definitely reminded me of the much higher original dose experiences. Potent.
Microdosing has worked extremely well with me. It's flexible and experiences are strong. Highly recommended.
Consuming too much THC herb has become a lose-lose - it's wasteful and it brings up paranoia anxiety and foggy headed laziness. I'm to the point where I don't consume THC flower by itself at all anymore. The high has too many of the negative characteristics. But stick a bunch of CBD flower in with it and control your ratio and it's a whole nother animal.
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