Salutations TennisGuru1,
...Xvape Vista All Quartz...
Quartz actually inspired me recently, i imagined a quartz glass tube sealed at the ends, with no leads other than a few internal support-wires holding an IH-driver "susceptor" in its center (e.g. a wireless heater element of which the weight and induced heat are directly related)... Such all-glass external shell would translate as ZERO metallic contact surface present in a cannabic path worthy of any purist.
This wireless IR lamp, essentially (i guess...), would mostly generate radiative heat through its quartz coating (by the way that reminds me of the AroMed...), to the difference that an IH Quartz heater bulb would deliver power as a function of its susceptor, inversly to its "agility" but that's no concern in thermalizing situations anyway. Right?? After all, thermal interfaces implying delays in the conductive mode are legion, not to mention delays from conversion of conductive heat to radiative heat to convective heat...
Often enough it may prove possible to turn a limitation into a beneficial feature. This time my kind of "Pulse Heating" calls for a generalized/simplified representation - as that felt most appropriate:
Its core in yellow corresponds to the heat-source, which can be a metal disc with holes or some Quartz glass bulb containing the IH susceptor inside... You tell me about heat conversion issues.
Each "Transit" area would be made of Silicon Carbide (SiC) foam similar to VaporGenie's pellet; fresh air enters on one side and hot air exits via the other. In stand-by mode the 3-layers structure would temporarily behave much like a thermal bottle since each side would contain the central heat source with thermal insulation walls, essentially. I mean just torch an SiC pellet until it turns red-hot then touch it after a few seconds only: it's getting cold real fast. So, SiC is a bad conductor of heat and each air pocket trapped in its matrix contributes further to the insulation layer, though gradually and on a transitional basis - but that's all IH toking will require in "pulse" mode!
Of course the situation becomes most interesting when things are set in motion, during the transition when new useful dynamic properties emerge. It works like an airflow-activated solid-state heat valve, allowing temporary storage of energy in its core until it floods a cannabic bowl located right on the other face of one SiC wall, some 2.4 ~ 3.1 mm away in an ideal scenario i'll bet!
Imagine a thermal catapult analogy where there is an accumulation before a sudden release, nothing to do with slow & steady, yet very profitable i suspect. I our case IH Pre-Heating causes the build-up.
IMHO when energy potentially relies on a shoe-string "portable" budget there's simply none to waste over glorified radiative heat, lost in vain. Consequently i certainly support Quartz for purist-level "nail" applications, yet i still question layouts incompatible with this basic goal: to aim for the "
Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation".
Personally i believe that cannabic path can be nearly as short as a 2.5 mm transit within spongy SiC; as for transformation i find trichome glands already offer sexy packaging as it is, at an unbeatable cost considering it supplies goodies in grapes where selection was performed at the genesis site, on a molecular basis!... So, who seriously wants to risk missing nature's patient perfectionism?!
Good day, have fun!!