This feedback is invaluable ST.
We're constantly testing stones and using a variety of torches and sizes to ensure that any given torch will deliver a great hit with an appropriate adjustment in distance and/or draw. So It's great to get hear your approach developing your "Goldilocks" technique - it's why we've always considered them instruments. The slight variability, stone to stone, in terms of thermal response and the influence of flame/distance/draw, allows for different approaches to playing your axe (end of music metaphor.)
At a recent party, a woman, who it turns out is a serious hashish connoisseur, asked if she could try my Alchemy. Before I could tell her anything, she started puffing on it in quick short draws. I was saying, "that's not how you..." when she let out this great, billowy hit. She said something like, "that's how I smoke hash, and it just seemed natural". It was an intuitive, original approach and she got a great, clean hit.
FWIW, my favorite technique for terpy or deep hits is the no flame/just heat approach, where you're using a consistent heat source and regulating the hit with your draw. It warms the stone slowly (relative to a hotter faster draw), the stone warms evenly and you can get the bigger finish of cool air through the instrument. The hotter the flame, the higher I place it but I never bring the flame to the intake - always keeping the outer blue flame as much as an inch/25mm or so above - and the last couple of seconds of draw, after taking the torch away, is where you get the bigger hits this way.
And please ST, share more input as you riff.