Well-Known Member
The fix is easy but when I drop 150-250 on something, I expect not having to tweak it just for it to work. The other guy in this thread said he had to send it back a couple times, in that case I would be even more upset. And another thing is, if some people don't have access to this forum, what would they do?
They would either send a quick email out to 7th Floor or give them a call and they would immediately be told what to do to fix it.............or, they would google it.
I'd understand being upset if I had to send it back in for adjustment, but the adjustment to the length of the heating element is really no big deal at all. A 2 minute adjustment.........if that.
There are certain things that I expect to work flawlessly without any kind of adjustments needed when I purchase them, but not a hand made vaporizer made by a bunch of young stoners. With these, I cut them a bit of slack. But only a bit........

In contrast, I would throw a shit fit over what happened with the Ascents, or the first runs of the Solo.
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