@mixchu69 And everyone else!
Here is my preferred LSV set up with the M2M and one other adapter i have!
Most of my WT's are 19mm so this works with most of them, the ones it does not fit have silicone adapters to help!
Supplies required:
19mm M2M
Pipe screens
Organic cotton
Assembly pictures:
The parts
First screen installed in the middle of the M2M
Thin layer of cotton installed on top of first screen
Second screen installed on top of cotton
And the adapter with a small bit of cotton in the joint. This catches amazing, yellow oil that is super clean and potent! The initial screen and cotton traps all the larger particles before they contaminate the oil.
I vape the cotton on Friday night or on the weekend, free deliciously potent oil! Great for wake and vapes!
I find this set up keeps my glass spotless for the whole week!
A quick rinse and clean and it is good to go again!
I soak the M2M, adapter and screens in ISO and they are ready to be used again.
The last reason i like to use that last adapter is that i can see the vapour forming in the dome as i inhale and i can adjust on the fly for thinner or denser hits! It is also mesmerizing to watch the patterns the vapour forms!