Yo whats up people. I wanted to chime in on the thread, My previous setup was a silver surfer: ground glass--wand----tube----then tubing straight into a slide. (I vape strictly through h20 since I have had this setup). Nothing spectacular as far as pipes go but it worked perfect and turned me strictly to vaporizing through water. Well I decided that I wanted to go to the light saber due to its design to allow for more adequate "vapor-bonging" options. For whatever reason, I do not like to purchase things online AT ALL and in the area I live its an hour+ drive for me to get to a retail store but I still get a choice of a bunch of high qaulity competiive shops with knowledgeable people. So I started to call around and luckily one of the places had just got there first shipment in store (area culturally emerging, which is great) and had every color at msrp $. I drove out, already knowing I was going to buy the unit; but I had also had assumed that the shop had been smart enough to realize that anyone buying one would be using it for water attachments. I thought that even if they had n't ordered the official ones from 7th floor, they would have something I could use in the mean time (attatchment wise), plus they blow glass in store and do specialty orders, therefore I thought one way or the other I could get something to work even temporary, Im Impatient lol. Unfortunately they had nothing that would work and the lady knew her shit about everything except this lol. Well, being as I go out there frequently I just decided to order 2 of the short lsv water pipe adapters one 14", and one 18" through the retail shop. . Well that was 2 months ago..... I have called every 10 days; she said she does not know what happened to them, but Im positive the very next person that bought a light saber from them got mine grrrr. Finally through frustration (partly my own fault too, being stubborn about not just ordering the piece myself). I started making calls because I am the "decide i want it, have to have it right then" guy, I found another local that was real smart, and he had more oil/ concentrate rig equip than I have ever seen! He had probably 10 different similar to these, he said they were for dab equip. So I'm guessing thats what these pieces are made for.....
Either way it works perfect as an adapter for right now and I am placing my order for the 7th floor ones asap. This is my first time trying it out through my new swagger beaker bottom.
Needless to say, Im walking on sunshine