That's not really what he said at all. He just said that if you buy a knock-off you know its a knock-off haha. He never said anything personal about anyone. If you can't stomach living with not having the real deal thats one thing but there was nothing personal in his statement lol. He just personally said he'd rather have the "real deal" when it comes to glass.
I love having the real deal when it comes to glass but I'm no saint in every aspect of my life. I'd much prefer a shitty knock-off to a rolex watch which means nothing to me. To each his own, no real argument here. That's why they make cheap stuff and expensive stuff.
and IMO the fashion argument while good, only really works on the design aspect because you go beyond that into the function of glass vs fashion and Its hard to say people are gunna go out buying nearly as much glass as clothes and glass work/science doesn't go "out of style" nearly as quickly as fashion just for the sheer material aspect of it.
the artists kinda have to protect their style or what they do. If it is a scientific artist they must protect the science behind their glass, right?
Look at it from the worked glass perspective, if I was Zach P wouldn't I get pretty pissed off if some guy started making black and white sketch art and worked toilet domes and slides and stuff for way cheaper than I make them? I dunno I couldn't stop them really but it would annoy me since I worked hard to create that style. I don't see that big of a difference with scientific things like percs, if its something unique enough in design that actually is allowed to be patented.
I understand everyone's point here, but,
what about artists like real ones. I know everybody is an artist now.
Renacentists or even earlier artists set a path for the rest of the future in the painting world. And everybody are copying them. And nobody complains about it. Go tell painters not to follow an style because it's someone else's , they will LOL in our faces

So, why glass blowers are treated like stars. ( we can even vape or combust without them if we wanted )
There's a deeper problem nowadays in human nature, called greediness.
Patent pendings have nothing to do about science and research it's about $$$$$$ and covering their asses.
Besides water & gas filtration it's about physics. Matrix, Honeycomb , Fritted Disc, it's all the same f....g purpose.
All this filtration systems serve the same purpose, filtrate, if you put a turd, inside a tube, and helps filtration, it would be the same f...g thing as an expensive Jags or whatever he is.
And if we think a label and an hexagonal base changed the way vapor or smoke filters or diffuses, man we need help.
Kia's cars take you to work and home, don't they??
Mercedes Benz as well. Same purpose.
The day someone invents a different difussing & filtrating system without the aid of water, glass and different percs, then we can claim an invention.
The rest is just adding already known or previously invented elements to the same purpose.
Like adding more rubber and bigger diameter to a wheel.
I hope my ranting at some point makes some sense.
@Tweak, that was really funny, jajjajajajaja, don't we look like a bunch of spoiled kids arguing

got to love it either way.
Discussion and disagreement is really funny, and IMO nobody will ever should get hurt by words or expressions, we need to laugh at it and ourselves, IMO.
I even already forgot about my yesterday ranting and complaining and whining

Now I remember... this pot man, I swear.
On my way to meet my good friend and medicine friend...